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Theological Studies, Ph.D.

Saint Louis University's Ph.D. 在神学研究培养学者在两个浓度之一,反映研究卓越和深度的领域在我们的教师:古代基督教和基督教神学. Students are formed as both scholars and teachers. 

Regardless of their concentration, 学生应该探索广泛的方法论方法,培养一系列对正在进行的研究事业至关重要的技能除了让学生在他们选择的专业领域专攻外, 博彩网址大全's Department of Theological Studies 通过各种机会和经验指导学生的教学技巧, including individualized supervision, workshops and diverse undergraduate teaching assignments.

Curriculum Overview

Christianity in Antiquity

古代基督教(CA)集中的焦点是早期基督教, from its origins through the rise of Islam. 这种集中故意弥合了新约圣经之间长期存在的学科界限, patristics and early medieval Christianity, 将基督教置于希腊罗马世界和地中海更广泛的宗教文化之中.

Christian Theology

基督教神学(CT)集中的重点是基督教神学, broadly conceived. 通过为学生提供基督教历史和基督教神学的各个子领域的强大背景,这种集中训练学生成为基督教神学家. 该领域的学生通过课程作业和个性化考试,在几个主要的神学学科中制定一个综合的学习计划.

Graduate Handbook

Fieldwork and Research Opportunities

Resources for theology students at 博彩网址大全 include the more than 37,000 microfilms of the Vatican Film Library, the archives of the Institute of Jesuit Sources and more than 150,庇护十二世纪念图书馆的神学图书馆收藏了1万册书籍.4 million books, journals and other media). The library also provides access to many key research resources, including the Patrologia Latina, Brepolis, Early English Books OnLine, ATLA, Catholic Periodical Index, J-STOR and Index of Christian Art, 以及电子访问主要期刊和其他索引工具.

The Center for Digital Humanities 创建产品和工具来支持历史神学的教学和研究. 神学教师和研究生与博彩网址大全其他部门和中心进行跨学科的工作, including the Department of Women's and Gender Studies and the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.


Graduates have gone on to a wide range of careers in academia, educational administration, museums, libraries, archives and nonprofit agencies. 博彩网址大全's Department of Theological Studies 是否致力于每一位研究生的专业准备.

Admission Requirements

Students seeking admission to the Ph.D. program will have earned a master's degree in theology, religious studies, ancient history, or other closely related fields.

Application Requirements

  • Application form and fee
  • Transcript(s)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Résumé
  • 职业目标陈述应该说明你为什么申请博彩网址大全的博士学位.D. program, what you intend to contribute to your field of study, 当你完成博士学位后,你想从事什么样的职业
  • 一篇不超过20页的写作样本,展示了适当的学术写作风格,并包含围绕一个清晰的论文结构的论点

Requirements for International Students

所有国内学生的博彩网址大全政策和要求适用于国际学生. 国际学生还必须满足以下额外要求:

  • Demonstrate English Language Proficiency
  • 财务文件需要完成博彩网址大全申请,并被审查博彩网址大全和优秀奖学金. 
  • Proof of financial support that must include:
    • 由资助该学生在博彩网址大全学习的个人或赞助机构出具的经济支持信
    • 保荐人银行出具的证明资金到位的信函,证明在学生在大学学习期间资金到位
  • Academic records, in English translation, 在美国以外接受高等教育的学生必须包括:
    • Courses taken and/or lectures attended
    • Practical laboratory work
    • The maximum and minimum grades attainable
    • The grades earned or the results of all end-of-term examinations
    • Any honors or degrees received.

WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.

Application Deadline

Interested students should apply by Jan. 1.

Review Process



Tuition Cost Per Credit
Graduate Tuition $1,310

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships, Assistantships and Financial Aid

For priority consideration for a graduate assistantship, apply by the program admission deadlines listed. 奖学金和助教奖学金提供津贴,可能包括健康保险和奖学金期间的学费奖学金. 

Explore Scholarships and Financial Aid Options

  1. 毕业生将能够展示与他们专注领域相关的主要来源和次要奖学金的先进知识.
  2. 毕业生将能够展示对理论和方法的理解,这些理论和方法构成了神学和宗教的研究,并塑造了该学科的历史.
  3. 能够在本系本科专业范围内设计和教授本科课程,成为合格的教师.
  4. 毕业生将能够以书面和口头形式有效地交流他们的学术论点.
  5. 毕业生将获得在学术就业市场上取得成功所需的技能,并成为成功的学术专业人士.
  6. 毕业生将能够进行独立研究,从而在他们专注的领域对知识做出原创性贡献.

Christianity in Antiquity Concentration

THEO 6000Theories and Methods3
THEO 6020Christianity in Antiquity Survey3
THEO 6110Christianity in Antiquity Seminar (repeat as needed)12
Theological Texts12
Select 12 credits from:
THEO 6300
Late Ancient Syriac: Theological Texts
THEO 6310
Late Ancient Greek: Theological Texts
THEO 6320
THEO 6210Dissertation Prospectus (taken over two semesters)6
THEO 6990论文研究(分多个学期,共12小时)0-9
Total Credits54

Christian Theology Concentration

THEO 5270Christian Tradition I (recommended)3
THEO 5280Christian Tradition II (recommended)3
THEO 6000Theories and Methods3
THEO 6040Christian Theology Introduction3
THEO 6140Christian Theology Seminar (repeat as needed)15
THEO 6210Dissertation Prospectus (taken over two semesters)6
THEO 6990论文研究(分多个学期,共12小时)0-9
Total Credits54

Non-Course Requirements

Students typically must acquire competency in French and German, and any other languages relevant to their research interests.

All doctoral students must take four written examinations. 第一次和第二次考试必须在第二年劳动节后的第一个星期一参加, 第三、四次考试在第三年劳动节后的第一个星期一完成. 春季考试通常安排在期末考试的第一个星期一.

Continuation Standards

学生必须保持累积平均绩点(GPA)为3.50 in all graduate/professional courses.

Christianity in Antiquity Concentration

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
THEO 6020 Christianity in Antiquity Survey 3
THEO 6110 Christianity in Antiquity Seminar 3
THEO 6300
or THEO 6310
or THEO 6320
Late Ancient Syriac: Theological Texts
or Late Ancient Greek: Theological Texts
THEO 6000 Theories and Methods 3
THEO 6110 Christianity in Antiquity Seminar 3
THEO 6300
or THEO 6310
or THEO 6320
Late Ancient Syriac: Theological Texts
or Late Ancient Greek: Theological Texts
Year Two
THEO 6110 Christianity in Antiquity Seminar 3
THEO 6300
or THEO 6310
or THEO 6320
Late Ancient Syriac: Theological Texts
or Late Ancient Greek: Theological Texts
Elective 3
THEO 6110 Christianity in Antiquity Seminar 3
THEO 6300
or THEO 6310
or THEO 6320
Late Ancient Syriac: Theological Texts
or Late Ancient Greek: Theological Texts
Elective 3
Year Three
THEO 6210 Dissertation Prospectus 3
THEO 6990 Dissertation Research 6
THEO 6210 Dissertation Prospectus 3
THEO 6990 Dissertation Research 6
 Total Credits54

Christian Theology Concentration

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
THEO 6040 Christian Theology Introduction 3
THEO 6140 Christian Theology Seminar 3
Elective 3
THEO 6000 Theories and Methods 3
THEO 6140 Christian Theology Seminar (first topic) 3
THEO 6140 Christian Theology Seminar (second topic) 3
Year Two
THEO 6140 Christian Theology Seminar 3
THEO 5270 Christian Tradition I (or elective) 3
Elective 3
THEO 6140 Christian Theology Seminar 3
THEO 5280 Christian Tradition II (or elective) 3
Electives 3
Year Three
THEO 6210 Dissertation Prospectus 3
THEO 6990 Dissertation Research 6
THEO 6210 Dissertation Prospectus 3
THEO 6990 Dissertation Research 6
Year Four
THEO 6990 Dissertation Research 0
THEO 6990 Dissertation Research 0
 Total Credits54

For additional questions regarding Ph.D. programs, please contact:

Elizabeth Sweeny Block, Ph.D.
Coordinator of Graduate Programs