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Service Learning at 博彩网址大全

博彩网址大全的服务学习进一步推动了整个课程的学习目标 课程同时也培养了社会正义意识,促进 the common good. The service-learning experience allows for reciprocal learning in 博彩网址大全的学生和教师从社区中获得智慧和洞察力,以及 社区从学生和教师提供的服务中受益. Guided 反思使教师和学生能够将服务体验与教学结合起来 课程的学术内容和大学的伊格纳爵使命.

Why Service Learning?

作为一所耶稣会机构,博彩网址大全非常重视服务 to the community. Last year, students, faculty and staff performed over one million hours of service work to the greater St. Louis community. Service learning lends itself to the goal of becoming men and women for others in many ways:

  • 通过赋予你使用所学技能和知识的能力来加强你的学习 in the classroom to be of service to others.
  • 协助社区组织满足他们的需要,同时允许 them to act as a "co-teacher." They become community partners and are vital collaborators in the learning process.
  • 使教师能够在学校内外提供有意义的学习经验 classroom.

If you are unsure where to begin, our staff is here to help. Contact us regarding 您正在寻找的细节和我们的工作人员将指导您完成 the various opportunities available with our community partners.

Submit a Service Interest Form

你的教授可能会要求你记录你的课程服务时间. 此表格包含您的课程和社区合作伙伴信息,以及号码 of hours you completed with dates and times. The form needs to be signed by the community partner.

Download a Service Learning Course Hours Form

Frequently Asked Questions

How does service learning work with my class?

除了讲座和课堂上的正常文本,您的服务体验 is also part of the academic experience. The specifics of your service-learning experience will be communicated in your course syllabus.

How will I be graded for the service-learning component?
 教授可以通过多种方式让服务体验成为其中的一部分 of your grade. In addition to the service you perform and the reflection that follows, 你可能需要写一篇论文,将你的经历与课程理论联系起来 or objectives. Or, if you are working on a particular project for a community partner, you may be graded on the quality of the project itself. Grading information should be included in your course syllabus.
What kind of service would I do?

博彩网址大全’s Center for Social Action has a community partners database 其中包括数百家愿意在服务学习方面与学生合作的机构 courses. 你的教授可能已经有了与你的课程相关的网站 course. 你的服务经历可以是任何事情,从照顾孩子到帮助别人 有营销或公共关系策略的组织,以研究和写作 reports for an agency to further its mission.

How many hours of service would I do?
This is up to your professor. However, your service experience will typically require 15-30 hours for the semester.
How will I get to and from my service site?
许多服务地点都在校园的步行距离之内,尽管有些更远 away. The vast majority of these are along a MetroBus or MetroLink route. For ones 这不是,你将需要一辆车或与其他学生拼车. Some 网站可能不要求你经常在那里,但允许你在校园里工作. 
What happens if I am unable to go to my site on a scheduled day?
如果您将缺席一天的服务,您必须联系您的网站并通知 them of your situation. Your professor may wish to be contacted as well. 

For Faculty

如果你是一名教员,想把社区服务融入你的 现有课程或正在为新的服务学习课程开发框架; 社会行动中心可以就教学大纲的制定向你们提供咨询, and can connect you with a range of academic resources.

Resources for Integrating Service into Your Curriculum

For Community Partners

每学期,我们的教师教授80-100门不同的服务学习课程. By enrolling in those courses, students will serve hundreds of agencies in St. Louis. The partnerships 通过这些努力创造的成果正在帮助加强世界各地的城市社区 St. Louis region.

社会行动中心对当地机构进行了一项调查,以便发现 与博彩网址大全建立伙伴关系的兴趣程度. It also 提供有关组织需要援助的领域的宝贵信息 in. 如果你是一个社区组织,对建立服务学习伙伴关系感兴趣 with Saint Louis University, please take a few moments and fill out the Community Organization Survey.

有时候,服务学习者和普通志愿者之间的区别是不清楚的. 重要的是要记住,服务学习,同时提供一个途径 与你的机构一起进行社区服务也同样重要 on academic objectives. The students' experiences with your organization will be the “课程文本”,他们会将自己的经历与所学专业联系起来 class.

当你成为博彩网址大全社会中心的社区合作伙伴时 Action, you are our partner in the education of our students. It is designed to be 这是一种真正的合作,因为你为学生提供了动手学习的机会 experience. 没有你作为我们的合作伙伴,这个项目就不会成功,所以谢谢你的加入 advance for all your effort and hard work.

What Does Service-Learning Require?

  • Designate someone from your agency as the contact person for students.
  • 提供有意义的服务体验,要么直接与你所服务的客户, or indirectly "behind the scenes."
  • 给所有将要为你工作的学生一个基本的方向.
  • Provide basic supervision for the students.
  • 回答学生或教师提出的与服务学习有关的问题 experience.
  • Maintain strong, open lines of communication.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will students typically be working?

学生们的课程表变化很大,但总的来说是灵活的,经常可以适应 to your needs. During the fall semester, expect the students to begin working around mid-September through the end of November. During the spring semester, students will be typically available from late January through the end of April.

How many hours of service will the students be doing?
这取决于个别教授,然而,服务经验通常 requires 15-30 hours for the semester.
How will I know what the faculty member's expectations are?

在服务开始前,我们会向您解释您的期望,或者由 课程教授或服务和社区参与中心的工作人员 members.

Will I know what the course objectives are?
如果你和老师一起工作,他/她会和你分享教学大纲. Students 能否提供一份课程大纲及服务学习要求的副本. 复习教学大纲是确定适合你的职位的好方法 organization's needs and benefit the students.
What if students don't show up for the required times?
如果一个学生没有出现在预定的课程中,或者你有其他担心, please contact the faculty member directly. You can also call Leah Sweetman at 314-977-4214 and she will discuss the matter with the faculty member.