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The 学术资源中心 (ARC) is designed to assist 博彩网址大全 LAW students with the support they need to be successful during law school and in their future legal careers.

The ARC provides resources and assistance to help students succeed from the first day of classes and continues when they are alumni working towards success on the bar 考试.


Though the program at Saint Louis University School of Law is rigorous, 博彩网址大全 LAW provides an avenue for achieving success in learning the law. 学术成就 services provide students with the advising, assistance and support they need as they enter and progress 通过法学院. 学生 can find information on the structure of the first-year program as well as tips and advice on getting accustomed to the curriculum. 信息 is provided on times and dates of important workshops, students can find valuable 研究工具. There are opportunities to learn 考试-taking techniques as well as a variety of other helpful law school aids. 

Academic advising is available to all law students. 学生 may meet with Professor 安东尼娅Miceli or Professor Petina贝尼尼奥 to discuss any academic issues, including outlining, 考试 preparation and review, curriculum choices and other concerns a student 可能有. Please contact Professor Miceli or Professor Benigno with a list of times and days you are available in order to schedule an appointment.


Perhaps you've only briefly thought about the bar 考试 or perhaps you have focused 完全正确. Whatever your position, it's not too late to become informed about the bar 考试 and the steps you can take to prepare for, succeed on, it.


在美国几乎每一个州.S. and in some territories, recently graduated law students sit for a state bar 考试. For instance, if you are interested in practicing in Missouri, you would take the Missouri Bar Exam. The bar 考试 measures a candidate's competency to practice law in a particular state. Successful bar 考试 candidates receive a license evidencing their competency to practice law in a given jurisdiction.


Passing the bar 考试 is a pivotal last step in becoming an attorney. 有很多 things you can do as a student to achieve this success. Much of the law school curriculum is geared toward providing you with the necessary foundation for success. 此外, most students participate in a commercial bar review course after graduation. 这 course reviews (and in some cases introduces you to) those subjects that might be tested on your jurisdiction's bar 考试.

Beyond Bar Classes and Commercial Review Courses

In addition to what you learn in your law school classes and the commercial bar review 课程,博彩网址大全 LAW提供 工作坊和项目 designed to help you assess and practice the skills necessary for passing the bar.

These workshops cover each part of the bar 考试 — the essay, multiple choice and performance 测试部分. Thus, you have the opportunity to not only learn the appropriate substance but to also hone the necessary skills related to each portion of the bar 考试.


Current students and alumni of Saint Louis University School of Law are encouraged to contact Professor 安东尼娅Miceli, the director of Academic Support and Bar Success, or Professor Petina贝尼尼奥, the assistant director, to participate in the bar preparation 工作坊和项目 as they are announced. 请随意停下来 by Professor Miceli’s or Professor Benigno's office so that you can meet in person.


Visit the 学术资源中心 Canvas page for resources and assistance from 1L year through passing the bar 考试.

此外, below is a list of resources to help you learn more about the bar 考试: