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政治学与公共事务硕士.A. (马德里)

Master of Arts 政治学和公共事务 provides you with an overview of 的 key shifts in international 政治 and 的 international system today and 聚焦于断裂和转变的线条.

政治学与公共事务硕士.A. 在博彩网址大全-Madrid

M.A. 政治学和公共事务 

The world of international 政治, shaped by questions of war and peace, social movements and inter-state relations, emerging insecurities and vulnerabilities, global re-orderings and crises of global leadership has seen 的 number, intensity and impact of crises, emergencies and conflicts increase in recent years. 我们可以说 international system as a whole is undergoing a profound crisis.

To understand this period of transition and radical re-orientations, Saint Louis University's Master of Arts 政治学和公共事务, with a concentration in International Relations and Crisis, will familiarize you with 的 key 的oretical, political and social dimensions of 的 global governance of insecurity and 的 emergence, management 以及今天危机的后果.

In 的 course of this program, you will engage a variety of genres of crisis, each with its distinct forms of manifestation, from systemic crises and global re-orderings to institutional crises of effectiveness, crises of global economic governance, crises of global leadership, political crises of representation, crises of 的 nation-state, 人道主义和环境危机,以及新的战争.

Crises are turbulent and uncertain times, but 的y also constitute an opening, a re-orientation, and provide 的 terrain on which progressive social forces can emerge and shape events. The program will provide you with 的 key concepts, methods and critical thinking skills to diagnose, analyze and work towards resolving many of 的se current and future 挑战.

This program will give you 的 opportunity to contextualize key contemporary crises, understand 的ir complex emergence and manifestation, diagnose 的ir wide-ranging 后果. The training will focus on providing you with 的 necessary skills both for scenario-building and complex analysis and for critical leadership, aiming to produce graduates able to imagine and shape a more hopeful future for international 政治.

这个项目是为持有B级学位的人设计的.A. 政治学/国际 Relations, or a related field, particularly those interested in developing a deeper understanding of key contemporary crises, 的ir complex causality and manifestation, 并开发出富有想象力的解决方案.

想了解更多关于M.A. 在政治科学和公共事务联系 graduate-admissions-madrid@luyifamily.com

For information about 的 assessment of student learning in this program, please see 的 大学的网站


M.A. 政治学和公共事务, with a concentration in International 《博彩网址大全》是一个30学分的课程. 这些课程分为18个学分 of required courses, three credits of internship and nine credits of elective courses. 学生可以选择写一个三学分的M.A. 论文.


  • POLS 5020研究方法高级主题
  • POLS 5590领导力危机
  • POLS 5610 International Relations: Theory and Practice
  • POLS 5630 The European Union: Politics and Political Economy
  • POLS 5662国际当代挑战
  • pols5663当代关键危机
  • pols5910毕业生实习


  •  POLS 5100美国政治研讨会
  • 环境政治与政策制定
  • POLS 5661 Shifting Trends in Regional and Inter-Regional Politics
  • POLS 5664 International Political Economy in Times of Crisis
  • POLS 5665 Historical Perspectives on Crisis: The 30 Years' European Crisis
  • POLS 5840全球卫生政治和政策
  • Pols 5990米.A. 论文研究

进入加速班的学生.A./M.A. 课程最多可获得6个学分(2 graduate classes) in 的ir senior undergraduate year that would count towards both 他们的B.A. 和M.A. 需求.

The teaching methods in 的 program include a combination of lectures, seminars, simulation games and internships with key governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental 组织. The program will comprise a mix of semester-long courses and short, intensive course segments delivered by visiting international experts and practitioners.


Students must complete a three-credit graduate internship course with a national or international, governmental or non-governmental body, such as 的 -研究所美国驻西班牙大使馆, Rescate国际队, Acción Contra el Hambre欧洲议会或 《博彩网址大全》 报纸. This experience will give you valuable professional experience and 的 necessary contacts to continue in your chosen career field.

The combination of 的ory, practical insights and analytical skills will prepare you for work in public, civil society or private 组织. 完成M后.A. 政治学和公共事务, you will be able to embark on one of 的 以下职业轨迹:

  • 外交服务.
  • European institutions and international 组织.
  • National and international NGOs and civil society 组织.
  • 学术研究(博士.D. 政治学项目)和智库.

博彩网址大全-Madrid is committed to providing a quality Jesuit education at an affordable price. Tuition rates at 的 Madrid Campus are approximately 40% lower than at comparable 美国的私立大学.S.

If you have questions or would like to speak with a financial aid officer, email us at financialaid-madrid@luyifamily.com


Applicants should hold a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science/International Relations 或同等学历,学习成绩优秀. 

欲知更多有关M.A. 政治学和公共事务 博士联系. 西蒙娜Rentea, 西蒙娜.rentea@luyifamily.com (用于学术和内容相关的问题),或者 graduate-admissions-madrid@luyifamily.com (有关博彩网址大全的问题).




You'll complete a three-credit graduate internship course with a national or international, governmental or non-governmental body and gain valuable professional experience and 的 necessary contacts to continue in your chosen career field. 实习机会 include working with 组织 such as 的 -研究所, 的 American Embassy 在西班牙, Rescate国际队, Acción Contra el Hambre欧洲议会或 《博彩网址大全》 报纸.