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Students enrolled at Saint 路易 University — Madrid can earn credits from other universities 以及世界各地的大学.

A student wearing hiking gear stands on a rocky shoreline next to a body of water, 四周环绕着岩石峭壁和群山.

Quinn Riordan -智利(独立非slu海外学习).

Students most often study abroad during their sophomore or junior years. 转移 students must spend at least one semester at 博彩网址大全-Madrid before applying to go abroad. 

Discuss your study abroad plans with your academic advisor as early as possible to determine which semester is best and which courses you should take abroad. 你必须 通知你的学术顾问 学期还是一年 prior to the semester you intend to study abroad, as spaces in many 程序s may be 有限的.

每个项目的平均绩点要求各不相同. 大多数机构都要求最低累积额 平均绩点 3.0


slu -马德里直接交换


  • 〇秋季学期 2月. 14 (接收院校截止日期为5月中旬)
  • 〇春季学期 5月19日 (主办机构截止日期为10月中旬. 至11月初.)


申请过程分为两部分. 学生必须首先完成马德里大学的申请 感兴趣的. Then, after receiving the official nomination from 博彩网址大全-Madrid Advising, 学生必须完成主办大学特定的申请. 联系山姆·曼卡 in 学术顾问 在开始申请程序之前有任何问题.

slu -马德里感兴趣的应用


  • Students work with the 博彩网址大全-Madrid 学术顾问 Office to select the courses they 打算带出国. 一定要和你的主要顾问/教师导师见面 熟悉你的学位计划和进度. 课程设置通常是 found on exchange university websites, but you may also visit Sam Manka in Advising 审查产品.
  • Before enrolling at the exchange university, students must request a meeting with 建议预先批准和签署他们的课程选择. 
  • Students must provide course descriptions and syllabi for transfer-credit evaluation.
  • The grades received in all courses taken through a slu -马德里直接交换 程序 will appear on the student's transcript and factor into the student's 博彩网址大全 cumulative 平均绩点.
  • Upon completing the study abroad 程序, students must have their final transcript 直接送到马德里大学.


Students pay the 博彩网址大全-Madrid tuition for 直接交换项目 (listed below) and are responsible for all costs related to housing, transportation and fees at the host 机构. 所有奖学金,除了 for the Departmental Support Scholarship, financial aid apply to the student's 博彩网址大全-Madrid tuition during the study abroad period. For study abroad experiences not included in the 博彩网址大全-Madrid or St. 路易直接交换 项目中,学生将承担学费、杂费等费用.

博彩网址大全的圣. 路易斯校园直接交换


  • 春季学期:十月. 1
  • 秋季学期:三月十五日
  • 夏季班:3月1日


  • 如适用,请填写并提交网上申请表格.
  • 提交 校内转学申请表 到slu -马德里咨询办公室.
  • Submit 到slu -马德里咨询办公室 paper copies of all supporting application 材料将被发送到博彩网址大全 St . s .的留学协调员. 路易校园.


  • Students work with the 博彩网址大全-Madrid 学术顾问 Office to select the courses they 打算采取.
  • Students must provide course descriptions and syllabi for transfer-credit evaluation and receive course preapproval from their advisors prior to the start of the exchange 程序. 
  • 所有通过博彩网址大全 St. 路易斯校园直接交换 程序 will appear on the student's transcript and factor into the student's 博彩网址大全 累积平均绩点.
  • Upon completing the study abroad 程序, students must have their final transcript 直接送到马德里大学.


学生支付博彩网址大全 St. 路易斯校区的学费和一切相关费用均由校方负责 住宿费、交通费和其他费用. 所有奖学金,除了 for the Departmental Support Scholarship, financial aid apply to the student's 博彩网址大全的圣. 路易斯留学期间的学费.


Students may participate in exchange 程序s outside of 博彩网址大全-Madrid and St. 路易 直接交换项目. 在这种情况下,学生将要求请假.


申请截止日期因项目而异. 核实一下你申请的专业.


Follow the application policies and procedures of the 程序 you are applying to.


  • 学生填写一份 请假表 at the 博彩网址大全-Madrid 学术顾问 Office, informing the 博彩网址大全-Madrid advisors of 他们的留学计划.
  • Students provide course descriptions and syllabi of the courses they will take abroad for transfer-credit evaluation at the 博彩网址大全-Madrid 学术顾问 Office.
  • 要转换课程学分,成绩必须达到C或更高. 收到的成绩 all courses taken while studying abroad on a leave of absence will not appear on the student's transcript and will not factor into the student's 博彩网址大全 累积平均绩点.
  • Upon completing the study abroad 程序, students must have their final transcript 直接送到马德里大学.


Students pay the tuition and all costs related to housing, transportation and fees 在接待机构.




布鲁塞尔管理学院 (原维萨里学院)

布鲁塞尔管理学院 is the oldest higher education 机构 in Brussels 提供全英文学士学位课程. BSoG代表了两者的精华 American and European educational systems, adopting strengths from its two founders: 布鲁塞尔自由大学和波士顿大学.

BSoG offers interactive teaching, small classes, personalized attention and guidance in a rich, stimulating environment, distinctive of a college in Brussels. BSoG量, practice-embedded, experiential learning (TPEL) approach to education transforms Brussels, 欧洲的首都,走进一间教室. TPEL鼓励自我发现和发展 employability skills by combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience.

TPEL brings Brussels to the classroom by hosting local experts in business, public 校园关系、法律和国际关系. 学生与这些的互动 专家构成了BSoG经验的重要组成部分.



关西Gaidai位于京都和大阪之间. 录取博彩网址大全-Madrid学生 to the Asian Studies Program along with other international students. 学生在 this 程序 enroll in Japanese language and other cultural courses (calligraphy, sculpture and the traditional tea ceremony), as well as regular university classes 用英语. 国际学生住在一起.



PUC is located in Gávea, a Rio de Janeiro neighborhood close to the beach and the 森林. Study abroad students can take classes 用英语 as well as intensive Portuguese 语言课程. 访问学生住在寄宿家庭.



西江大学 was founded by the Society of Jesus in 1960 and is the only Jesuit 韩国机构. 它位于首尔市中心. 除了提供 a Korean language 程序 and normal academic subjects 用英语, the university 为出国留学的学生提供实习项目. 访问学生可以住 住在大学宿舍或大学认可的寄宿公寓.




At 约翰·卡伯特大学 in Rome, degree-seeking and visiting students will discover a distinctly American learning experience enriched by their location and international 学生人数和教师人数. 你将在罗马市中心学习,周围都是 the extraordinarily rich offerings of a city of culture, history, art, creativity, 商务与国际事务.

约翰·卡伯特大学 in Rome has no direct exchange agreement with 博彩网址大全. 然而, students interested in studying abroad at the university should still contact advising 开始这个过程. 学费由John Cabot直接向学生收取 为博彩网址大全学生提供15%的折扣和免除申请费.

博彩网址大全的圣. 路易斯校园直接交流项目

观看博彩网址大全 St .提供的节目. 路易校园



In addition to the 直接交换项目 offered by 博彩网址大全-Madrid and 博彩网址大全 St. 路易斯, students are encouraged to explore study abroad options at other American universities 在欧洲各地,你会遇到容易的信贷转移. 其中一些大学 包括:

  • 保加利亚美国大学
  • 希腊美国学院
  • 巴黎美国大学
  • 罗马美国大学
  • 塞萨洛尼基美国学院
  • 中欧大学(匈牙利布达佩斯)
  • 瑞士富兰克林大学
  • 美国大学协会(普罗旺斯艾克斯)
  • 爱尔兰美国大学

Our students have also studied at these 机构s around the globe:

  • 摩洛哥伊夫兰的Al Akhawayn大学
  • 阿富汗美国大学
  • 亚美尼亚美国大学
  • 贝鲁特美国大学
  • 开罗美国大学
  • 科索沃美国大学
  • 中亚美国大学
  • 尼日利亚美国大学
  • 沙迦美国大学
  • 拉合尔福尔曼基督教学院
  • 海加兹大学,黎巴嫩
  • 黎巴嫩美国大学