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All program applicants should use ERAS to apply. Our program participates in both ERAS and the NRMP Match using the following Program Codes:

分类:1365140 c0
初步:1365140 p0

After we receive applications through ERAS, the Program Director and each Associate Program Director will review a selection of applications based on medical school.  Each person reviewing applications has a set amount of interview invites available.  We then meet as a group to determine whether to either: 

  • Extend an interview invitation 
  • 拒绝面试 
  • Place on the waitlist (We very much want to interview you, but we often receive applications from many qualified candidates. We will extend an offer if interview positions open.)

Because of COVID-19, this year’s ERAS timeline has been pushed back. 通常,我们 would begin releasing interview invitations in late September or early October. 这 year, however, programs cannot begin to review applications until October 21, 2020. We expect to begin extending interview invitations in early November, with our first interview dates in mid-November.

We will likely conduct interviews through early- to mid-February. 


No single element of an application perfectly describes a candidate. 我们正在寻找 for multifaceted candidates who bring a variety of strengths to our program.

A successful applicant should demonstrate exceptionalism in one or more areas including:

  • Clinical clerkship performance throughout the third year and particularly in the core 内科轮转
  • Humanism including Gold Humanism and/or Alpha Omega Alpha awards 
  • Scholarship and research experience
  • 领导能力
  • Resilience and maturity in the face of adversity 
  • Diversity of thought and background 

We recognize either USMLE or COMLEX. We prefer a Step 1 score greater than 220 and a Step 2 score greater than 230. Growth between Step 1 and Step 2 is noted.

Applications are almost automatically rejected based on the following:

  • Graduation of medical school greater than 5 years ago unless practicing in another 在美国有执照的专业 
  • Lack of clinical experience in the US healthcare system 
  • Multiple failures of certification exams 

Congruent with recommendations from the AAMC and NRMP during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be holding all interviews virtually this year.

We are still working out details on how to make this an immersive and fun experience for the candidates who interview with our program. As we feel our residents are the true strength of our program, you will have ample opportunity to meet many of them. 

During the interview day, you will meet for a brief one-on-one chat with the Program Director, you will interview with two faculty members and one resident. 我们的目标 is to provide you with a great experience virtually “visiting” us and to see if you would be a good fit for our program.  Areas we focus on during the application review 面试过程包括: 

  • General cognitive ability - How has the candidate performed on standardized tests (USMLE or COMLEX) and during clinical (3rd year) rotations? 
  • Conscientiousness - Is the candidate likely to feel responsibility to the program, their colleagues, their patients?
    Ability to deal with challenges - Has the candidate faced and overcome adversity?  Have they helped to solve problems? 
  • Humanism - Does the candidate reflect our mission to care for the whole patient?  Do they have a diverse viewpoint? 
  • Attitude - Is the candidate interested in medicine? 在博彩网址大全? 在我们的节目中? 
  • Ability as a teammate - Can the interviewer envision working with this candidate as 住院医师和/或同事?
  • Potential to positively contribute to the program - Is this someone who will be good to have around and as part of the program? Does the interviewer envision them doing 一些伟大的事情? 


Our scoring for the rank list is based on a number of factors, including: 

  • Strength of clerkship grades (particularly 内科医学 but inclusive of other 见习)
  • USMLE或complex分数
  • 教师面试评分 
  • 住院医师访谈评分 
  • Global assessment of application (scholarship, contribution to community, leadership roles, other compelling information) 

Using the above factors, program leaders construct a draft rank list. 提交之前, we then hold a set of 3-4 meetings open to all residents in the program to garner 印象和反馈. After residents approve the list, it is finalized (with no further changes by the program) and submitted. Thus, residents have the final say 至于谁将加入我们的团队.