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爱德华一个. Doisy Department of Biochemistry 和分子生物学

Named after its founder, the 爱德华一个. Doisy Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology within the Saint Louis 大学 医学院 continues a tradition of excellence that dates back to the 1920s.

The exceptional faculty and staff in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, along with many other researchers at Saint Louis 大学, have access to some of the most leading-edge facilities and resources anywhere.

In addition to research, the department offers a Ph.D. 生物化学和分子化学 biology as part of the 医学院’s graduate program in biomedical science.

We are home to several core research facilities, including 博彩网址大全’s 蛋白质核心设备, 基因组学核心设施 and the Gemini Computing Cluster.

关于爱德华A. Doisy

1929年,爱德华. Doisy, Ph值.D., was the first researcher to isolate and chemically characterize estrone, a steroid sex hormone, opening up the entire field of steroid hormones for chemical 医学调查. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1943 for his work on determining the chemical nature of vitamin K, an essential component in 凝血. 多西重新分配了大部分 income derived from his research to the Saint Louis 大学 Medical School, which annually provides millions of dollars to the department’s research 教学基础设施.

More Key Dates in Department History

1924: 爱德华A. Doisy Department of Biochemistry 和分子生物学 was founded Edward A. Doisy, Ph值.D. shortly after the completion of his doctoral studies in 1920 at Harvard 大学

1929: 爱德华一个. Doisy, Ph值.D. was the first to isolate and chemically characterize estrone, a steroid sex hormone, opening up the entire field of steroid hormones for chemical 医学调查.

1943: 爱德华一个. Doisy, Ph值.D. was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on determining the chemical nature of vitamin K, an essential component in 凝血. Dr. 多西重新分配了大部分 income derived from his research to the medical school, which annually provides millions of dollars to our research 教学基础设施.

1965罗伯特·奥尔森,M.D., a distinguished physician and nutritionist, becomes department 主席. During his nearly two-decade tenure, Olson nurtures the expansion of research within the department and successfully campaigns for the integration of nutritional 科学进入临床医学.

1984威廉·斯莱,M.D., a physician and molecular geneticist, is recruited as 主席. Well known for his work in the area of lysosomal cell biology and storage diseases, his research has expands to include carbonic anhydrases and regulation of iron storage 健康和疾病.

1989: Sly’s many contributions to the study of inborn errors of metabolism receive international recognition and result in numerous awards, including election to the National Academy 科学.

2007A:最先进的. 噪声研究中心 becomes home to the Department of Biochemistry 和分子生物学. It totals more than 206,000 square feet of 研究空间. 进行的科学研究 in the research center focuses on five areas: cancer, liver disease, heart and lung disease, aging and vaccine development.

2010:恩里科·迪塞拉,硕士.D., becomes 主席 of the department. 他的实验方法 involves the use of structural and biochemical techniques to better understand key components of the 凝血 system and related pathways. 在他的领导下, the department continues its fine tradition of excellence in scientific research.

2021: 医学院 researcher and faculty member 阿卜杜勒·瓦希德博士.D.他捐赠了100万美元 in support of the school’s biochemistry and molecular biology department. 的礼物 尊敬的威廉·斯莱先生.D.爱德华A. Doisy Department of Biochemistry 和分子生物学. It will support the future Centennial Chair of the department.

The Tradition of Excellence Continues

爱德华一个. 噪声研究中心

爱德华一个. 噪声研究中心 at Saint Louis 大学 医学院.

Today, the tradition of excellence continues throughout the department. 最先进的 爱德华一个. 噪声研究中心 is now home to the Department of Biochemistry and 分子生物学. 

Completed in 2007, the 研究 Center cost $82 million to complete, is ten stories tall, totals over 206,000 sq. ft. 研究空间. 进行的科学研究 in the research center focuses on five areas: cancer, liver disease, heart and lung disease, aging, vaccine development.

The exceptional faculty and staff in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, along with many other researchers at Saint Louis 大学, have access to some of the most cutting edge facilities and resources anywhere.