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Strategic Intelligence, M.S.

博彩网址大全的战略情报理学硕士课程帮助你进行战略性思考, analyze data and derive actionable plans and policies. O这个在线课程由专业研究学院提供 is 专为学生寻求在情报领域的职业生涯和那些谁已经在情报收集工作, analysis or dissemination.

博彩网址大全战略情报理学硕士项目的核心在于情报和政策的交叉. 该计划为您准备适应需要技术分析和操作实施的现实世界场景的教育和技能. 

Program Highlights

  • Among other skills, learn to evaluate and manage various information sources, 确定它们与战略情报的相关性,并将这些信息转化为可操作的结果.
  • 获得研究生证书作为硕士学位的补充,通常不需要额外的学分.
  • 当你加入世界各地的学者和实践者社区时,从广泛的学术和专业背景中,根据你的具体兴趣定制课程, 提供继续向同伴学习的机会. 

Along the way, 你将从来自世界各地的不同同行的网络中学习, 当你从事知识发现时,将技术与人力和组织结构相结合, management, and dissemination of industry-critical knowledge. 

你也可以获得一个研究生证书作为硕士学位的补充, often without taking additional credits, allowing you to tailor the program to your specific interests.

As part of the School for Professional Studies, 这个33学分的硕士课程为像你这样的数据驱动型专业人士提供了一个灵活的选择,以实现你的个人职业目标. 有多个开始学期,你可以在秋季或春季开始硕士课程. 你将加入一个由来自不同学科和专业背景的学者和实践者组成的社区, providing you the opportunity to learn from a network of peers. 

100%在线课程提供灵活的课程,为期八周, 让在职专业人士更容易接受高等教育. 

The on-campus version of this program, 这样国际学生就可以满足他们的签证要求, is also offered in flexible eight-week terms.


作为博彩网址大全专业研究学院的一名学生, 你会从杰出的教师谁是领先的专家在各自的领域学习. 他们把现实世界的知识带到课堂上,并致力于你的职业成功. Learn more on our faculty page.


博彩网址大全战略情报硕士课程的毕业生具备在国防和情报行业成功成为情报分析师和分析领导者/管理人员所必需的教育基础, criminal justice fields, and federal, state and local agencies, such as the FBI, CIA, DIA, NGA and NSA. 


Tuition Cost Per Credit
Online Graduate Degrees and Post-Baccalaureate Certificates $790

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid

优先考虑研究生奖学金,请在2月6日之前申请. 1. 


  1. 毕业生将能够运用专业知识来解决实际问题, evidence-based framework.
  2. 毕业生将能够利用适当的辩论技巧,为给定的问题或背景.
  3. 毕业生将能够评估和管理各种信息来源及其与战略情报的相关性,并将这些信息转化为可操作的结果.
  4. 毕业生将能够通过展示技术专长和概念技能的应用,对可能的威胁进行复杂的分析和评估.

Admission Requirements

  • Completed application​
  • 本科学位(大多数成功的申请人本科平均绩点为3.0 or better)
  • Official transcript from a degree-granting institution
  • Statement of purpose (about 500 words)
  • Resume or curriculum vitae
  • 外部参考建议(鼓励但非必需)

Upon admission, 新的在线学生*必须成功完成与学术教练的虚拟会议,才能注册第一学期的课程.


This is for 100% online students only. 国际在校研究生将在校园迎新会上与他们的学术教练见面. 

Requirements for International Students


  • Applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency. 证明英语语言能力的一些例子包括以下标准化考试的最低分数要求: 
    • Paper-based TOEFL: 550 
    • Internet-based TOEFL: 80 
    • IELTS: 6.5
    • PTE: 54

• Academic records, in English translation, 在美国以外接受高等教育的学生必须包括所修课程和/或参加的讲座, practical laboratory work, the maximum and minimum grades attainable, the grades earned or the results of all end-of-term examinations, and any honors or degrees received. WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.

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Program Requirements 

Graduate Core Courses
AA 5221Applied Analytics & Methods I3
ORLD 5050Ethical, Evidence-Based Decision Making3
Foundation Courses
INTL 5000The Intelligence Cycle3
INTL 5050Terrorism & US Foreign Policy3
INTL 5200Cyber Operations and National Security3
INTL 5250Structured Analytical Techniques for Intelligence3
The following 4 electives are required. Substitutions from other programs may be considered.12
INTL 5100
Counter Intelligence & Espionage
INTL 5260
Military Intelligence
INTL 5270
Open Source Intelligence
INTL 5280
Congress and the Intelligence Community
Applied Research Project
INTL 5961Intel Masters Research Project I1
INTL 5962Intel Masters Research Project II1
INTL 5963Intel Masters Research Project III1
Total Credits33

Continuation Standards

学生必须保持累积平均绩点(GPA)为3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.


Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Fall 1  
INTL 5000 The Intelligence Cycle 3
Fall 2  
ORLD 5050 Ethical, Evidence-Based Decision Making 3
Spring 1  
AA 5221 Applied Analytics & Methods I 3
INTL 5270 Open Source Intelligence 3
Spring 2  
INTL 5961 Intel Masters Research Project I 1
Year Two
Fall 1  
INTL 5200 Cyber Operations and National Security 3
Fall 2  
INTL 5250 Structured Analytical Techniques for Intelligence 3
Spring 1  
INTL 5962 Intel Masters Research Project II 1
Spring 2  
INTL 5280 Congress and the Intelligence Community 3
INTL 5100 Counter Intelligence & Espionage 3
INTL 5260 Military Intelligence 3
Year Three
Fall 1  
INTL 5050 Terrorism & US Foreign Policy 3
Fall 2  
INTL 5963 Intel Masters Research Project III 1
 Total Credits33