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Meet the DEI Team

Headshot of Katrina Moore


Katrina Thompson Moore 

卡特里娜·汤普森·摩尔(她/她/她的)是多元化、公平、 对文理学院的包容和参与.  She also is an associate 是历史系和非裔美国人研究系的教授 at Saint Louis University. She specializes in 19th- and 20th-century issues of race, 性别、刻板印象、流行文化和美国娱乐史. Moore received her B.A. from Our Lady of the Lake University and an M.A. and Ph.D. from State University of New York at Stony Brook. Her book Ring Shout, Wheel About: The Racial Politics 《博彩网址大全》一书的重点是奴隶们的生活方式 黑人在美国早期被迫娱乐,以及这些传统的方式 演变成19世纪的吟游诗人,并最终提出了是否 今天的大众媒体对非裔美国人的表演和描绘是如此遥远 removed from their troublesome roots. Moore has contributed to discussions on race, 流行文化,以及非裔美国人在政治和文化方面的经验 他经常被邀请到全国各地演讲.

摩尔是种族与和解项目的创始人,该项目组织研讨会 为中学教育机构增进对经验的认识 of Blacks in America. 作为新奥尔良人,摩尔致力于丰富更好的生活 understanding of history and culture. 


DEI Liaisons

DEI联络员支持本科生和研究生,教师和工作人员 creating a more inclusive Saint Louis University community. The DEI liaisons work 与文理学院负责多元化、公平、  包容和参与,促进社会公正、公平、多样性和可持续发展 inclusion at 博彩网址大全 and the larger St. Louis community.

Rana Jordan headshot

Team Lead: Rana Jordan (She/They)

我是一名攻读公共与社会政策博士学位的研究生二年级学生.D. I am 他也是第一代美国人,父母是移民,出生和长大在纽约 Nazareth, Israel. I learned English as my second language. I was raised in Middle Eastern and American culture, which was a struggle. I work in DEI because I believe 我们应该生活在一个公平的世界里,在这个世界里,我们应该互相同情 每个人都有机会追求自己的热情,帮助我们的社区. I want to 生活在这样一个世界里,我们庆祝彼此的文化,可以相互学习 and can freely share ideas. As a graduate liaison, I want to enhance the scholarship 在多样性、公平和包容方面的工作,这将有助于博彩网址大全的发展 more equitable for my generation and future generations.

Bryce Davis Headshot

Graduate Liaison: Bryce Davis (He/Him)

I am a fourth-year graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. I am a first-generation college student. My research examines the impact of discrimination. In my free time, I love going to the movies and traveling. In this role, I want to 帮助提高博彩网址大全的多样性、公平性和包容性,并创造机会 为现在和未来的比利肯人在这些领域的发展和参与!

Brandee Hunter headshot

Undergraduate Liaison: Brandee Concepcion Hunter (She/Her)

我是一名本科三年级的学生,攻读传播学文学学士学位 with a minor in environmental science. I am a Chamorro and Palauan Pacific Islander 她出生,长大,最终将回到我的家乡,塞班岛, 位于北马里亚纳群岛联邦. My home is extremely 多元化和热情,我们都是“f民兵”,所以来到美国.S. mainland was definitely a change for me. 我经历了很多文化差异,比如见证 基于种族、民族和国籍的歧视和偏见有多普遍 是什么,它们在整体体验和意义上如何影响我和他人 of belonging while being here in the U.S. As a student from an underrepresented background 谁愿意带着归属感和激情从我家来欢迎和 与他人分享,我很高兴能促进和传播更多关于多样性的意识, 对于像我这样的博彩网址大全学生来说,公平和包容是不可或缺的! 

Past DEI Team Members

kennedy for web

Undergraduate Liaison: Kennedy Crye (She/Her/Hers) 

我是一名大四学生,攻读心理学学士学位,辅修营养学。 health and wellness. 毕业后,我打算参加一个物理治疗项目 to obtain my D.P.T. 在我的双种族成长过程中,多样性一直是我的生活体验. 有幸有机会通过两个镜头看世界,我已经认识到 the beauty of diversity. I desire to leave a footprint that celebrates differences, accepts uniqueness, and is constantly evolving. I want every person to feel that this 世界变得更美好,更独特,因为有他们在!

alexander for web

Graduate Liaison: Alexander Chang (He/Him/His)

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student in the clinical psychology program. In my research, 我使用基于优势的方法来强调历史上未被充分代表的复原力 groups. 我来自加州,喜欢探索最近的山脉和水道 during my pastimes. 我坚信,创造一个公平的竞争环境 每个人对整个世界都是有益的,这种倡导是很重要的 aspect of my work as a clinician. In this role, I am committed to improving the experience 历史上未被充分代表的博彩网址大全群体成员.

Headshot of Cordell Billups

Graduate Intern: Cordell Billups (He/Him/His)

I am a graduate student in 博彩网址大全's Higher Education & Student Affairs Administration program. 我目前在这所大学的生物系大四学习 项目协调员,在那里我直接与学生合作,提供公平的结果 during their time in the program and at the university. As a Black male native of North St. 路易,我注意到他们缺乏资源和机会 around me. 像前面提到的以及更多的不平等成为了燃料 在我为社区创造持久改变的动力背后,我的 life. 我在DEI方面有丰富的经验,并计划继续努力 培养能力,以便更好地为那些被边缘化的人发声 historically. 在这个职位上,我想开始做有影响力和可持续的工作 change within the College of Arts and Sciences.