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沃尔特·J. Ong年代.J.数字人文中心 collaborates with Saint Louis University faculty and students, scholars at other universities, local community 小组,发展数字人文项目.

If you have a humanities project you would like to bring into the digital environment or a project that might benefit from a digital humanities approach, please contact us.

The Center has already built and continues to build pedagogical tools for paleography in several languages and is developing coursework and resources at 博彩网址大全 to train the 下一代人文学者.


破碎的书 is a web-based application that allows for the digital reconstruction of dismembered books that, at some time in their history, were taken apart, "broken" into pieces 和分散. 破碎的书 enables a project administrator to collect, organize, and order digital images and related metadata to virtually reconstruct the original 食典委. It also permits users to make crowd-sourced contributions of images, information, 和描述性元数据,到一个项目.

The test-case 手稿 for the 破碎的书 project was the Llangattock Breviary, a lavishly decorated illuminated 手稿 made in the fifteenth century. 推导 its nickname from a later owner, John Allan Rolls, the 1st Baron Llangattock, the 布雷布雷里于1958年在伦敦佳士得拍卖. 拍卖后,这份手稿是 broken apart and many of the separated leaves were sold on the American market by 他是来自波士顿的书商. 博彩网址大全拥有七张来自 这 手稿.

Working with collaborative partners, including many members of Digital Scriptorium, digital images of 这 book's leaves have been collected from institutions and private 收藏在世界各地,包括哈佛大学,美国.C. 伯克利,美国科学院 in Rome, University of South Carolina, Michigan State, The University of Washington in Seattle, Dartmouth, the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, the Louvre Museum, the Royal Library in Copenhagen and the Museo Schifanoia in Ferrara.


DigiSig is a digital resource for the study of sigillography, particularly medieval seals 来自不列颠群岛. Hundreds of thousands of seals survive from medieval Europe, 它们提供了独特而重要的信息. 印章是“权威的标志” or ownership, pressed in relief upon a plastic material by the impact of a matrix 或模刻凹版.社会各阶层的男女都用印章来 validate documents, but also to make statements about their family connections, social 抱负及个人价值观. 印章包含文字和图像,所以它们是 强大的沟通和表达工具. 在缺乏证据的时期 the individual, seals offer insight into identity, expose regional and local cultural 变化.

Developed by the associate director of the Ong Center, John McEwan, DigiSig aims to foster sigillographic research by linking and matching sigillographic datasets and 使信息可用. DigiSig汇集了许多主要的数据集, produced by the archives, museums and the higher education sectors, that are publicly 访问ible and used extensively by the public and academic researchers. 这些数据集 have been reconfigured, enhanced and integrated, so that they can be searched in concert, 并附上照片,如果有的话. 该系统使用户能够访问象形文字 信息以传统的方式,但以一种新颖的形式.


RERUM provides digital humanities software solutions for increased interoperability and
访问. RERUM tools and services are designed to ensure free and open sharing of data. The RERUM space already provides a free and open annotation store to support the open democratisation of the IIIF standard as a working platform for scholarship and research.

Other tools include Manifest creator, Transcription reader, Manifest editor and a 各种IIIF社区开发的工具. RERUM是一个创意套件 of research tools to allow any scholar or researcher to assemble, manipulate and publish through the IIIF material making their work more discoverable and useable by other scholars all while building on the attribution and citation model inherent in the standard to allow users to know who the work originated from and contribute to it.

The latest addition had been the LDN Toolbox which facilitates better discovery, an open feedback loop, the constant enhancement of scholarly resources.


T-PEN is an online transcription environment for use with digitized images of texts in many forms, from personal letters to charters to 手稿s. T-PEN最近启用了 "Right Left" text and supports XML encoding as well as a number of dedicated transcription 工具和资源. It uses the IIIF standard to create line-by-line transcriptions of texts with the freedom to upload and transcribe their images.T-PEN目前 关于版本2.8和3.0正在开发中. 这个项目是由慷慨的 由NEH和梅隆基金会资助.


Tradamus is a web-based application made to assist scholars in the creation and publication 学术数字版本. It builds upon the successful transcription tool, T-PEN, and provides tools for use in the five main editing methods used in the scholarly 前现代文本的编辑. 它允许学者们在飞行中创建转录, import existing transcriptions of 手稿s, collate those witnesses, create an apparatus criticus or other apparatus, attach annotations or commentary (and even translations) to the edition, assist in the proofreading of the final product.

The publishing component supports static e-editions for both e-readers and web pages, enable dynamic web-based editions and serialization of the edition, assist in 印刷出版物的同行评审.