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牙髓学,M.S. 在牙科

The 高等牙科教育中心 (CADE) at Saint Louis University offers a program in the specialty of endodontics that leads to the Master of Science 在牙科 degree and a certificate in endodontics. This program is offered in close affiliation with the Missouri School of Dentistry and Oral Health at A.T. 还是大学. The program requirements are conducted at both 博彩网址大全 and the Missouri School of Dentistry and Oral Health at A.T. Still. 


课程包括临床前牙髓技术, 文献综述, 临床前教学实习, 临床教学实习, 牙髓生物学, 生物医学概念, 牙髓手术原理, 美国牙髓学委员会审查, 临床牙髓学及论文研究.


博彩网址大全’s graduate endodontic program focuses on a comprehensive clinical experience involving diagnosis and treatment of all categories of nonsurgical and surgical endodontic cases; courses encompassing biomedical and clinical concepts; and research related to the discipline of endodontics. 修满51学分才能毕业.

Students also receive training in research design and statistics and must conduct an original research project. This effort leads to the preparation and defense of a thesis and, 随后, the production of a manuscript suitable for publication in a journal relating to the specialty of endodontics. The experience of discovery provided by such research is an integral part of the graduate program, and students are expected to produce a meaningful contribution to the field of endodontics.


Our goal is to prepare the graduate to pursue a career of many possibilities: as a clinician with a practice limited to endodontics, 作为牙髓学的研究人员或教师.


The prerequisite for matriculation in any CADE dental training program is the possession of a D.D.S., D.M.D. 或同等的普通牙科学位.

Students must have successfully passed a regional dental board examination and established eligibility for dental licensure in Missouri.


  • Online application through ADEA Postdoctoral Application Support Service (ADEA PASS)
  • 三封推荐信
  • DAT分数
  • National board score test results (not required for international applicants)
  • 成绩单(s)
  • 个人目标陈述
  • 简历或履历


All admission policies and requirements for domestic students apply to international students. International students must also meet the following additional requirements:

  • 演示 英语语言能力
  • 学习成绩, 英文翻译, of students who have undertaken postsecondary studies outside the United States must include:
    • 参加的课程和/或讲座
    • 实际实验室工作
    • 可达到的最高和最低分数
    • 所有期末考试的成绩或结果
    • 获得的荣誉或学位.
  • 接受WES和ECE成绩单.
  • 为了给你的F-1签证申请签发I-20, 学生必须提交财务文件. 经济支持证明必须包括:
    • A letter of financial support from the person(s) or sponsoring agency funding the student's time at Saint Louis University
    • A letter from the sponsor's bank verifying that the funds are available and will be so for the duration of the student's study at the University


The deadline for completing the online application and submitting all supporting documents is July 1 for admission into the program the following July.


A committee examines and reviews the applicant and application wholly. 我们将邀请有潜力的应聘者于7月进行现场面试.


Tuition 每学期费用
研究生学费 $22,950

可能会收取额外费用. 其他资源如下:






For priority consideration for graduate assistantship, apply by Feb. 1. 

For more information, visit the student financial services office online at http://gxfgqo.luyifamily.com/financial-aid/index.php.


The endodontic program is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental 认证 of the American Dental Association. 课程结束后, graduates are educationally qualified for certification by the American Board of 牙髓学.

  1. Graduates will be able to use the knowledge and concepts of endodontics, 应用主要实践, theories, 或者临床牙髓学的循证文献.
  2. Graduates will be able to assess relevant literature or scholarly contributions in endodontics.
  3. Graduates will be able to articulate arguments or explanations to both a disciplinary or professional audience and to a general audience, 包括口头和书面形式.
  4. Graduates will be able to evidence scholarly and professional integrity in endodontics.
CAD 5010疼痛:解剖学,生理学,心理学,治疗1
CAD 5030高级口腔微生物学2
CAD 5060道德与牙科0
CAD 5070骨生理学(偶数年)1
CAD 5080多重诊断+管理计划11
CAD 5220临床免疫学1
CAD 5100牙科治疗1
CAD 5110小型企业基础知识1
CAD 5190高级头颈解剖学2
ENDG 5000临床前牙髓技术1
ENDG 5120医学缺陷患者的管理 (offered even years)1
ENDG 5200文献综述11
ENDG 5210文献综述二1
ENDG 5220文献综述三1
ENDG 5230文献综述四1
ENDG 5240文献综述五1
ENDG 5410牙髓生物学1
ENDG 5450牙髓学炎症回顾(提供10年)1
ENDG 5470生物医学科学概念(奇数年提供)1
ENDG 5510牙髓外科原理1
ENDG 5520美国牙髓学审查委员会1
ENDG 5600临床牙髓学11
ENDG 5610临床牙髓学22
ENDG 5620临床牙髓学III2
ENDG 5630临床牙髓学IV1
ENDG 5640临床牙髓学2
ENDG 5650临床牙髓学2
ENDG 5660临床牙髓学71
ENDG 5910牙髓杂志俱乐部 (taken over multiple semesters, 4hrs max)1
ENDG 5950考试特别学习0
ENDG 5990论文研究(分多个学期)6
ORES 5010健康结果生物统计学导论3
ORES 5100健康研究方法 & Medicine3
CAD 5170高级口腔病理学(及医学)1
ENDG 5700牙髓病例报告研讨会1


Supervised clinical endodontic treatment of patients; comprehensive endodontic specialty examinations utilizing written, oral, and practical clinical formats; teaching practicum.
第一年 residents are required to complete the Online course in Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) by the end of the Spring term. 

The minimum clinical requirements are 300 cases and 15 surgical experiences. The program director is fully responsible for ensuring adequate experience in all phases of clinical endodontics.


Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.在所有的研究生/专业课程中.

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

指定为关键的课程和里程碑(用 !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. 转移学分可能会改变路线图.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. 需求, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Year One
CAD 5080 多重诊断+管理计划1 1
ENDG 5000 临床前牙髓技术 1
ENDG 5410 牙髓生物学 1
ENDG 5600 临床牙髓学1 1
ENDG 5910 牙髓杂志俱乐部 0
ENDG 5700 牙髓病例报告研讨会 0
ORES 5010 健康结果生物统计学导论 3
CAD 5080 多重诊断+管理计划1 1
ENDG 5200 文献综述1 1
ENDG 5450 牙髓学炎症研究综述 1
ENDG 5610 临床牙髓学2 2
ENDG 5910 牙髓杂志俱乐部 1
ENDG 5120 医学缺陷患者的管理 1
ENDG 5700 牙髓病例报告研讨会 0
BBS 5100 科研人员的伦理 0
CAD 5030 高级口腔微生物学 2
CAD 5060 道德与牙科 0
CAD 5080 多重诊断+管理计划1 1
CAD 5100 牙科治疗 1
CAD 5190 高级头颈解剖学 2
ENDG 5510 牙髓外科原理 1
ENDG 5210 文献综述二 1
ENDG 5470 生物医学概念(仅限奇数年) 1
ENDG 5620 临床牙髓学III 2
ENDG 5910 牙髓杂志俱乐部 1
ENDG 5700 牙髓病例报告研讨会 0
CAD 5070 骨生理学 1
Year Two
CAD 5010 疼痛:解剖学,生理学,心理学,治疗 1
CAD 5080 多重诊断+管理计划1 1
ORES 5100 健康研究方法 & 医学(online) 3
ENDG 5220 文献综述三 1
CAD 5110 小型企业基础知识 1
ENDG 5630 临床牙髓学IV 1
ENDG 5910 牙髓杂志俱乐部 1
ENDG 5990 论文研究 1
ENDG 5700 牙髓病例报告研讨会 0
CAD 5080 多重诊断+管理计划1 1
CAD 5220 临床免疫学 1
ENDG 5230 文献综述四 1
ENDG 5520 美国牙髓学审查委员会 1
ENDG 5640 临床牙髓学 2
ENDG 5910 牙髓杂志俱乐部 1
ENDG 5990 论文研究 2
ENDG 5700 牙髓病例报告研讨会 0
CAD 5080 多重诊断+管理计划1 1
CAD 5175 高级口腔病理学 & Medicine 2
ENDG 5240 文献综述五 1
ENDG 5650 临床牙髓学 2
ENDG 5910 牙髓杂志俱乐部 0
ENDG 5990 论文研究 2
ENDG 5700 牙髓病例报告研讨会 0
CAD 5080 多重诊断+管理计划1 1
ENDG 5660 临床牙髓学7 1
ENDG 5910 牙髓杂志俱乐部 0
ENDG 5950 考试特别研习(论文口试) 0
ENDG 5990 论文研究 1
ENDG 5700 牙髓病例报告研讨会 1