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Core Curriculum

博彩网址大全的艺术和科学核心课程不仅仅是一套必修课程 courses. 它提供了一个框架来发展整个人,以保持与 Jesuit ideal of education.

博彩网址大全-Madrid,所有从艺术与科学学院毕业的学生必须 complete the Arts and Sciences Core Curriculum.

该大学将于2022年秋季推出新的本科核心课程. Additional information about the 大学本科核心课程可在此下载.

Bachelor of Arts Core Curriculum

博彩网址大全-Madrid的文学学士学位适用于以下专业的学生:艺术史, communication, computer science (B.A.), economics (B.A.), English, history, international 研究、哲学、政治学、心理学和西班牙语言文学.


Foundations of Discourse (Three credit hours)

高级修辞策略与高级写作. Note that ENGL 1500 写作过程或ESL课程可能是engl1900的先决条件.

Foreign Language (Zero to nine credit hours)

一般来说,熟练掌握一门语言的中级水平(2010年水平) 用一种语言完成三门三小时的课程. Only required for native speakers of English. Students can also provide proof of foreign language proficiency through examinations.

文化多样性(6学时):欧洲的全球公民和多样性 Union.

这个要求可能同时满足另一个核心课程要求,a 必修专业或辅修课程或选修课程.


Cultural Diversity in the EU

  • ANTH 3390 Cultural Anthropology
  • CMM 3460 International Cinema
  • 修辞分析主题:冲突与和平的话语
  • HIST 3340 The Spanish Civil War
  • HIST 3760中世纪的西班牙:基督徒、犹太人和摩尔人
  • HIST 3770 History of Jews in Spain
  • HR 1900十字路口:荣誉入门-想象国家身份
  • PHIL 4760 Spanish Philosophy
  • POLS 3567当代西班牙政治发展
  • 欧盟:政治和政治经济学
  • THEO 2720 Islam: Religion and Culture

Global Citizenship

  • ANTH 1200 Introduction to Anthropology
  • ANTH 2200 Cultural Anthropology
  • ARTH 1090 Global Masterpieces of Art
  • CMM 4460 Global Media
  • 世界文学传统1、2、3
  • 英语3500后殖民世界文学
  • HIST 3420 The Atlantic World
  • POLS 1510 Politics of Developing World
  • POLS 1600国际政治概论
  • POLS 2520 Introduction to African Politics
  • POLS 2550 Political Systems of the Sub-Sahara
  • POLS 2560 The Politics of Asia
  • POLS 2570拉丁美洲政治概论
  • POLS 2590 Politics of the M. East and North Africa
  • 人类发展的跨文化心理学
  • PUBH 2100 Introduction to Global Health
  • SPAN 4350 Latin American Testimony
  • THEO 2710 Religions of the World
  • THEO 2720 Islam: Religion and Culture


  • ART 2000 Drawing I
  • ART 2100 Design
  • ART 2150 Color Theory
  • ART 2200 Painting I
  • ART 2930 Special Topics: Illustration
  • ARTH 1000 Approaching the Arts
  • ARTH 1010 History of Western Art
  • ARTH 1110 History of Western Art I
  • ARTH 1120 History of Western Art II
  • ARTH 2300 Ancient Art Survey
  • ARTH 2400 Medieval Art Survey
  • ARTH 2500 Renaissance Art Survey
  • ARTH 2800 Modern Art Survey
  • 专题:从米开朗基罗到戈雅的艺术:伟大的欧洲大师
  • CMM 1400 Film Criticism
  • DANC 2630 Modern Dance/Modern Movement
  • MUSC 1000 Approaching the Arts: Music
  • MUSC 1260 Piano for Beginners I
  • 2010/2020/2030应用音乐(人声、钢琴、吉他)
  • MUSC 2270 Music Theory I
  • MUSC 3300音乐史I(特别强调西班牙音乐)
  • MUSC 3420 University Chorale
  • THR 1000 Approaching the Arts: Theatre
  • THR 2510 Acting I Fundamentals
Literature (Six credit hours)

必须选一门2000级英语文学课程. A second 课程可以从认可的3000/4000级英语文学课程中选择 高级西班牙文学课程,有原文阅读(为 non-native Spanish speaker only).

Sciences (Six credit hours)


Mathematics (Three credit hours)
  • MATH 1200 College Algebra or higher
World History (Six credit hours)

HIST 1110现代世界的起源到1500年和HIST 1120现代世界的起源 World 1500 to Present.

Philosophy (Nine credit hours)

Three-course sequence:

  • PHIL 1050 Self and Reality
  • PHIL 2050 Ethics
  • One 3000/4000-level philosophy course
Theology (Nine credit hours)

Three-course sequence:

  • THEO 1000 Theological Foundations
  • One 2000-level course
  • One 3000-level course
Social Science (Six credit hours)

两门课程,人类学,经济学,政治学,心理学,社会学 communication (CMM 1000, 2000 and 2800 only — for non-communication majors; majors may count one course)

Bachelor of Science Core Requirements

Foundations of Discourse (Three credit hours)

高级修辞策略与高级写作. Students needing prerequisite 在写作方面的工作能力,由考试成绩决定,将被要求参加英语课程 1500. 如果需要,这将作为选修学分.

Foreign Language (Zero to six credit hours)

通过初级水平(1020级)熟练掌握英语以外的一门语言. 这一要求也可以通过在国外度过一个学期来满足 以非英语为学习语言的机构.

文化多样性(6学时):欧洲的全球公民和多样性 Union.

这个要求可能同时满足另一个核心课程要求,a 必修专业或辅修课程或选修课程.


Cultural Diversity in the EU

  • ANTH 3390 Cultural Anthropology
  • CMM 3460 International Cinema
  • 修辞分析主题:冲突与和平的话语
  • HIST 3340 The Spanish Civil War
  • HIST 3760中世纪的西班牙:基督徒、犹太人和摩尔人
  • HIST 3770 History of Jews in Spain
  • HR 1900十字路口:荣誉入门-想象国家身份
  • PHIL 4760 Spanish Philosophy
  • POLS 3567当代西班牙政治发展
  • 欧盟:政治和政治经济学
  • THEO 2720 Islam: Religion and Culture

Global Citizenship

  • ANTH 1200 Introduction to Anthropology
  • ANTH 2200 Cultural Anthropology
  • ARTH 1090 Global Masterpieces of Art
  • CMM 4460 Global Media
  • 世界文学传统1、2、3
  • 英语3500后殖民世界文学
  • HIST 3420 The Atlantic World
  • POLS 1510 Politics of Developing World
  • POLS 1600国际政治概论
  • POLS 2520 Introduction to African Politics
  • POLS 2550 Political Systems of the Sub-Sahara
  • POLS 2560 The Politics of Asia
  • POLS 2570拉丁美洲政治概论
  • POLS 2590 Politics of the M. East and North Africa
  • 人类发展的跨文化心理学
  • PUBH 2100 Introduction to Global Health
  • SPAN 4350 Latin American Testimony
  • THEO 2710 Religions of the World
  • THEO 2720 Islam: Religion and Culture
Fine Arts (Three credit hours)


  • ART 2000 Drawing I
  • ART 2100 Design
  • ART 2150 Color Theory
  • ART 2200 Painting I
  • ART 2930 Special Topics: Illustration
  • ARTH 1000 Approaching the Arts
  • ARTH 1010 History of Western Art
  • ARTH 1110 History of Western Art I
  • ARTH 1120 History of Western Art II
  • ARTH 2300 Ancient Art Survey
  • ARTH 2400 Medieval Art Survey
  • ARTH 2500 Renaissance Art Survey
  • ARTH 2800 Modern Art Survey
  • 专题:从米开朗基罗到戈雅的艺术:伟大的欧洲大师
  • CMM 1400 Film Criticism
  • DANC 2650 Spanish Dance: Flamenco
  • DANC 2660 Latin Rhythms and Dance
  • MUSC 1000 Approaching the Arts: Music
  • MUSC 1260 Piano for Beginners I
  • 2010-2030应用音乐(人声、钢琴、吉他)
  • MUSC 2270 Music Theory I
  • MUSC 3300音乐史I(特别强调西班牙音乐)
  • MUSC 3420 University Chorale
  • THR 1000 Approaching the Arts: Theatre
  • THR 2510 Acting I: Fundamentals
Literature (Six credit hours)

必须选一门2000级英语文学课程. A second 课程可以从认可的3000/4000级英语文学课程中选择 高级西班牙文学课程与阅读原文(这 only applies to native speakers of English).

Natural Sciences (Eight credit hours)

单门科学八个学分:生物、化学、地球和大气 学生攻读学士学位的院系以外的科学或物理专业 of science degree.

Mathematics (Four to seven credit hours)


World History (Six credit hours)

HIST 1110现代世界的起源到1500年和HIST 1120现代世界的起源 World 1500 to Present.

Philosophy (Six credit hours)

Two-course sequence including PHIL 2050. 学生可以选修PHIL 1050或高级课程 philosophy as their second course.

Theology (Six credit hours)

Two-course sequence:

  • THEO 1000 Theological Foundations
  • One 2000-level course
Social Sciences (Six credit hours)

两门课程,人类学,经济学,政治学,心理学,社会学 communication (CMM 1000, 2000 and 2800 only — for non-communication majors; majors may count one course)