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Find policies and procedures for the Saint Louis University College of 艺术与科学 在这里.


A single course may not fulfill 更多的 than one 博彩网址大全 College of 艺术与科学 core 要求. 例外是美国的多样性.S. 以及全球公民课程, which may do "double duty" by satisfying another core, major, minor or certificate 要求.


Students seeking a substitution for coursework in the College of 艺术与科学 core due to the functional impact of a disability must be registered with the Center 浏览无障碍及残疾人士资源. 一旦您在中心注册 浏览无障碍及残疾人士资源, the following process must be followed:

  • Make a written request to your academic advisor explaining the need for the substitution.
  • The academic advisor will request the documentation you’ve provided and a written recommendation about the substitution from the Center for Accessibility and Disability 资源.
  • Your written request and the Center 浏览无障碍及残疾人士资源' recommendation 将被审查. 可能会征求其他教职员工的意见.
  • Approval or disapproval of the substitution request will be communicated to you and 你的学术顾问. If approved, specific substitutions will be identified and 顾问将在适当情况下启动文书工作.

Substitutions may be granted for the foreign language* and math core components. 其他 elements of the core have no viable substitutions that allow for core learning objectives 被满足.

*Courses substituted for foreign language may not count toward other core, major, 或次要要求.



Students at Saint Louis University can prove foreign language proficiency through 以下方法:

  1. 大学先修课程(AP)考试的认可分数.  [更多的]
  2. An approved score on an International Baccalaureate (IB) exam. [更多的]
  3. An approved score on an American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) 按认可分数测试. ACTFL口语水平面试(OPI)是必需的. (*)  [更多的]
  4. An approved score on the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) 评估.   [更多的]
  5. 任何考试/评估的最低等效分数(e.g.、托福、雅思等.)使用 to evidence English language proficiency for University admission. 这个选项是 only available to international students with citizenship from countries in which 英语不是主要语言.

(*)Those interested in proficiency testing in languages not available via ACTFL (e.g., 拉丁语,古希腊语等等.)应联络本署. 语言、文学和文学 文化.

Foreign Language proficiency via any of the above methods must occur not later than the achievement of 60 credit hours (90 credit hours for transfer students).



Students may not pursue a major and minor/certificate or minor and certificate within the same academic discipline without departmental permission.


Students dismissed from the University may petition for reinstatement by submitting 复职申请表格.

Students may be reinstated with specific conditions 继续注册. 失败 to meet the conditions specified may result in cancellation of registration and academic 解雇.


Students in the College of 艺术与科学 who are granted academic probation status are required to meet with their assigned academic advisor during the entire probationary period and to earn grades that improve their cumulative grade point average.

失败 of student to attend required meetings or fulfill the terms of the probation contract established with their academic advisor will negatively impact consideration 继续注册. 不符合既定条件可能导致 a registration hold, registration cancellation,/or academic 解雇.



Students enrolling in courses in the summer or winter semester at Saint Louis University 总课程和同期课程的数量是否有限.

For courses that meet between one and four weeks, students are limited to one course, not exceeding four credits, or courses that total four credits in the winter intersession.

[Exception: zero-credit labs that accompany for-credit lecture courses do not count 航向极限.]

For courses that meet 更多的 than four weeks students are limited to two courses, not exceeding eight credits, or courses that total eight credits in any single summer 会话/学期.

Students are limited to two courses, not exceeding eight credit hours, or courses that total eight credits in overlapping summer sessions/terms.

Students on academic probation may enroll in no 更多的 than one course/four credits 在任何一个夏季课程/学期. 重叠的招生有总负荷 一门课程/四学时.

[Exception: zero-credit labs that accompany for-credit lecture courses do not count 航向极限.]

This policy does not apply to accelerated and required summer programs.

Off-Campus: Approval is required for off-campus enrollment in coursework at other 大学/学院.

T在这里 is a 12-credit-hour total limit for summer off-campus enrollment. 校园 overlapping course limits may also be applied to off-campus enrollment.



Coursework taken 更多的 than 10 years ago may require review in order to determine if the course will be accepted for transfer or used as a prerequisite.

A student may — at the College's discretion — be required to complete proficiency 考试,参加额外的课程,或重复选定的课程. 这一政策也可能适用 to coursework less than 10 years old for disciplines in which the University has determined the body of knowledge or its interpretation have undergone significant change.