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Future leaders in the rapidly changing world of engineering start their degrees through 博彩网址大全-Madrid, finishing at Saint Louis University's School of Science and Engineering.

学生在科学实验室 looking at a computer screen.


Saint Louis University bridges the Atlantic by offering rigorous and internationally 认可的本科学位课程. 他们可以在博彩网址大全-Madrid开始并完成 on the 博彩网址大全-St. Louis campus.

The School of Science and Engineering, among the leading schools in its field, fosters excellence through a focus on value-centered research and ethical practice. Our mission is to cultivate leaders and thinkers in aviation, engineering and science by teaching 追求真理的价值观、知识和技能.

Thanks to the quality of education that 博彩网址大全 offers in Madrid and St. Louis, our graduates secure employment in industrial research and management, research in laboratories, 以及西班牙和其他地方的大学教授. 我们感到自豪的不仅仅是提供 American education in Europe, but also offering our students the chance to discover “国际准备”一词的真正含义. No matter which major you choose, you'll benefit from engaged faculty members and modern facilities that offer you hands-on experience and undergraduate research opportunities in the areas that interest you most."

Taieb Gasmi, Ph.D., program director

Degree Programs

博彩网址大全-Madrid's engineering curriculum is completely integrated with the School of Science 密苏里州的工程学院. 在马德里校区开始课程的学生 can transfer to 博彩网址大全-St. 来完成他们的学位.

The University's trans-campus engineering programs aim to educate students to become 有能力和纪律严明的专业人士. 前两年在西班牙学习 in Madrid, students can acquire Spanish language skills — a language increasingly 在美国的工业领域中需求量很大.

Aerospace Engineering

 2年在马德里+ 2年在圣. Louis

The Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering is offered jointly at 博彩网址大全-Madrid and the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the School of Science and Engineering in St. Louis. 学生可以完成前两年的课程 aerospace engineering program in Madrid and transfer to the School of Science and Engineering in St. 路易斯最后一年的学习.

The program begins by providing a solid foundation of coursework in the engineering sciences, including graphics, mechanics of solids, fluid and thermal sciences, electronics 振动和控制. 学生们会专攻空气动力学、 结构设计和分析,推进或飞行力学. Technical electives include orbital mechanics, helicopter theory and performance, hypersonics and flight simulation.


Biomedical Engineering

2年在马德里+ 2年在圣. Louis

Biomedical engineering students may complete their first two years of study at 博彩网址大全-Madrid 在转到圣. 路易斯校区最后两年的学习.

The Saint Louis University School of Science and Engineering's Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering focuses on the principles of both engineering and medicine. The biomedical engineering program at 博彩网址大全 integrates knowledge of the biological and 具有工程技能的物理科学. 课程和实验经历 both 在马德里和圣何塞的科学与工程学院. Louis provide a 广泛的基础准备.

The biomedical engineering curriculum offers considerable flexibility, allowing time for elective courses. 生物医学工程专业的毕业生准备在 many fields, including the health care industry, ranging from fundamental research in science and engineering to the direct application of your knowledge to improve 人类的健康和整体生活质量. 



2年在马德里+ 1年在圣卢西亚大学. 路易斯+ 2年在华盛顿大学 in St. Louis

Chemical engineering is a dual-degree program to be completed over five years: two 在马德里博彩网址大全学习一年,在圣卢西亚博彩网址大全学习一年. 在华盛顿大学读了两年 in St. Louis. It requires coursework in chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science and the arts. 课程包括集中的化学课程, 包括讲座课程和实验活动. 学生获得学士学位 Arts in Chemistry from 博彩网址大全 and a Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from 华盛顿大学. Louis.


Computer Engineering

2年在马德里+ 2年在圣. Louis

Students may complete the first two years of the computer engineering program at 博彩网址大全-Madrid 并转学到圣路易斯市科学与工程学院. 路易斯进入最后两名 years of study.

Computer engineering students are introduced to a broad spectrum of courses within the discipline in addition to developing a solid foundation in the basic sciences and mathematics. The curriculum includes digital systems, microprocessors, computer 建筑学、操作系统和电子学课程. 这些后面是深度 courses in specialized areas such as advanced digital design, digital signal processing, 集成电路设计,计算机网络等. 我们的课程提供实用的 and 直接适用于工业的理论知识.


Electrical Engineering

2年在马德里+ 2年在圣. Louis

As a 博彩网址大全 student, you can pursue a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering both 在马德里和圣何塞的科学与工程学院. Louis.

In addition to a solid foundation in the basic sciences and mathematics, you will be introduced to a broad spectrum of courses covering all major areas of this discipline. The curriculum includes courses in digital systems, microprocessors, electronics, communication systems, control systems, power systems and circuits. These are followed by in-depth courses in specialized areas such as advanced digital design, digital signal processing, design systems that collect, analyze, and use information, as well as distribute and utilize electrical energy, and design the electrical systems that are at the heart of today's technology such as smartphones, tablets, internet-ready 电视、卫星和许多其他设备. 我们的课程提供实用和 直接适用于工业的理论知识.



For information about the assessment of student learning in this program, please see the 大学的网站.



Accreditation assures students and prospective employers that an educational degree 程序已达到严格的行业质量标准. 它确保了毕业生拥有 received quality training and education and are capable of taking on a broad range 专业责任.

Accreditation has two fundamental purposes: to ensure the quality of the institution 或项目,并帮助改善机构或项目.

博彩网址大全-Madrid and the School of Science and Engineering (SSE) undergraduate degree programs 是否获得各自机构的认可. The following engineering programs; for instance, are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation 工程技术委员会(EAC):

  • Aerospace engineering
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Computer engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering