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The following committees are mostly populated by the 教师 Affairs Committee. 细节 can be found in the Saint Louis University 医学院 Bylaws.


The 招生委员会 has the responsibility to establish minimal requirements for the admission of candidates to the student body of 医学院, to 审查每个候选人的申请和支持性证据,以选择申请人 进行面试,然后录取符合条件的候选人 由委员会设立并协助启动特别招聘计划 医学院.

招生委员会是一个行政委员会,主要由教员组成. Members shall serve a term of five years and are eligible for reappointment. 成员 由招生办副主任根据学校的推荐任命 教师 Affairs Committee and self-nominations. Prior to the final nomination to the committee, the dean of 医学院 and division/department 椅子s will be consulted to determine the eligibility of faculty to serve.

招生办副主任和委员会至少四名教员 (被视为法定人数)应在招聘季节每周举行委员会会议 根据要求. 


Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee

The Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee makes recommendations to the Dean 关于全职和兼职教员的任命、晋升和任期问题 职位.

There are nine members including the 椅子. At least seven members must have attained the rank of associate or full professor with at least three tenured. 教职员事务 Committee appoints all members, including the 椅子. Membership should include approximately 基础科学和临床科室的代表人数相等(即:6名临床医生) 和三位基础科学家).



Continuing Medical 教育 Committee

继续医学教育咨询委员会将向继续医学教育办公室提供建议 关于政策和问题影响着总体运行的总体持续 医学教育项目.

The dean, in addition to the members of the CME Advisory Committee, shall appoint the Chair of the CME Advisory Committee. Voting members include faculty members representative of 医学院 departments, divisions and programs actively conducting CME activities; these members are appointed by the 教师 Affairs Committee based on self- and peer-nominations.

该委员会 meets at least quarterly, from September to June, upon call.



课程委员会应具有充分和集中的责任和权力 in the design, management, integration, evaluation, enhancement, oversight of a coherent and coordinated curriculum.

该委员会 shall meet at least monthly. Other meetings may be called at the request of the Chair, or any two members of the committee. 


Graduate Medical 教育 Committee

 研究生医学教育委员会就下列事项提出意见并进行监督: 建立研究生医学教育的制度政策 认可住院医师的基本制度要求第二节 in Graduate Medical 教育; establish and maintain appropriate liaison with residency 主管和其他参与项目的机构的管理人员 sponsored by the institution; conduct regular review of all residency training programs 在遵守机构政策和要求方面 the relevant ACGME review committee; establish and implement policies and procedures for the selection, evaluation, promotion, dismissal of residents; provide assurance 为住院医师职位提供适当和公平的经费,包括福利和支助 services, appropriate working conditions and duty hours of residents; conduct regular review of ethical, socioeconomic, medical/legal, cost-containment issues that affect graduate medical education; establish and implement institutional policies 以及纪律程序和有关投诉和申诉的裁决 to the graduate medical programs.

研究生医学教育委员会至少由十四名有表决权的委员组成 selected from the faculty of the clinical departments as outlined in the School of Medicine policies and procedures. Members serve terms of either three, two, or one (年代). 



Graduate Program Advisory Council

研究生课程咨询委员会(GPAC)将以咨询的身份服务 院长对医学院非专业研究生课程的看法. 它将审查并提出发展、改进和质量的建议 control of graduate studies in 医学院.

委员会由五名有表决权的教员组成,由FAC委任,代表 解剖科学中心生物化学系和分子生物系 and 教育, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Pathology, Pharmacology 和生理学.

Meetings shall occur quarterly during the academic year.



研究计划委员会应就广泛的研究项目提供一般监督和建议 一系列与发展和支持学院研究有关的问题 医学包括审查,制定和建议有关的政策 research in 医学院; the committee also reviews major equipment requisitions 等于或超过15,000美元,除非购买经过外部同行评审 sponsor and is funded 100% by the outside sponsor; the committee participates in the 学校在特定领域的研究和研究生的战略规划过程 教育(Ph值.D. 和M.D./Ph.D. programs); and the committee performs other tasks 由院长指定.

委员会应有六名有表决权的委员,由三名全职基本委员组成 由FAC委任的三名全职临床教师,任期三年.

委员会每月开会一次,从9月到5月,以及任何其他时间 由主席决定.


研究 Space Review Committee

The 研究 Space Review Committee shall review the research productivity of all 每年在医学院的首席研究员,并提出建议 授权医学院院长保持不变、增加、减少或恢复 assigned space based on criteria for evaluation of productivity and assignment of laboratory space as elaborated in 医学院 Policies and Procedures.

委员会由六名教员组成(其中三名为基础科学教员) 各院系和临床院系的三名教员),并任命了一位主席 by the 教师 Affairs Committee.

该委员会 meets once a year with additional meetings scheduled by the 椅子 as necessary to complete reviews.


Sabbatical/Developmental Leave Committee

公休/发展休假委员会应评估来自全职员工的建议 faculty for professional development and renewal.

Members serve a term of three years. 该委员会 shall consist of three full-time faculty members appointed by the 教师 Affairs Committee.




学生进步委员会应评估所有医学生的学业进步 确保提前毕业,并在需要时提出建议 student course of study modification, academic remediation, dismissal. 该委员会 will also act as an appeals body concerning student-reported grade challenges and other issues deemed appropriate by the associate dean of student affairs.

委员会由九名教员组成,教员均不属系 椅子. 委员会的成员应尽可能反映平均分配 between basic and clinical science faculty who have knowledge of the student body through active participation in instruction. Members shall be appointed to the committee 由财务谘询委员会委任,任期三年,并可获委任连任 次连任.

该委员会 shall routinely meet monthly and at those times during the academic 每年最适合检讨学生的学业过程,并考虑特殊情况 个别学生.
