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Find complete information on the SSM Health/Saint Louis University 医学院 儿科麻醉学奖学金. 


The overall mission of the 博彩网址大全 Department of Anesthesiology 儿科奖学金 is to train 麻醉医师 in the specialty of pediatric anesthesia so they can emerge as good clinicians, educators, researchers, and leaders in quality assurance in the 围手术期的舞台.


Thank you for your interest in our 儿科麻醉学奖学金 Program. SSM 红衣主教格伦农儿童医院 Hospital is affiliated with Saint Louis University School 位于美丽的圣. Louis. 红衣主教格伦农儿童医院 Hospital has 195 beds offering all the pediatric subspecialties, including a level 一个创伤中心,四级新生儿重症监护室,还有一个最先进的重症监护病房. 除了所有的 pediatric surgical subspecialties, we have a robust pediatric cardiac surgery service 还有一个繁忙的成人先天性心脏病中心. 我们的教员有14名 训练有素的委员会认证的儿科麻醉师. 我们执行了大约9500次 每年麻醉药数量. 这个体量保证了这个家伙将承担各种各样的任务 and abundant caseload to complete the ACGME-required number of cases within the first 奖学金年的一半. 我们的目标是培养优秀的人才 clinician, educator, leader, researcher, and quality assurance officer in the field 儿科麻醉学.


Fellows will learn and work at SSM Health 红衣主教格伦农儿童医院. 


The 儿科麻醉学奖学金 training program at Saint Louis University is a one-year program accredited by the American College of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)在SSM健康红衣主教格伦农儿童医院. 我们有一个团契 每学年职位. 该项目始于2015年7月. 我们所有的毕业生都有 very successful careers and are Pediatric Anesthesiology Board Certified. Cardinal Glennon is a non-profit 195-bed inpatient and outpatient pediatric medical center in St. Louis. Founded in 1956, Cardinal Glennon is a Level 1 pediatric trauma hospital and a Level 4 neonatal intensive care unit, the highest available classifications 对于这些专业. 格伦农主教为来自 premature neonates, children, adolescents and older patients presenting with medical 条件范围从普通到最复杂.


Fellows will gain a wide variety of experience in managing difficult pediatric cases, including complex congenital heart disease, neonates, premature neonates and transplants. Our program offers substantial clinical anesthesia experience, from routine pediatric cases to a full range of pediatric subspecialties including being one of the top pediatric cardiology and heart surgery programs in the state of Missouri, according to U.S. 新闻与世界报道. The hospital has 10 operating rooms, a hybrid cardiac catheterization lab, EP lab, three procedure suites, interventional radiology, and four imaging suites 每学年有超过9500个麻醉病例.


Pediatric anesthesiology fellows will work with faculty who are at the top of the field. 


We offer a single fellowship position annually through the 旧金山比赛. We are a fully accredited ACGME program offering fellows a broad, in-depth knowledge 以及在儿科麻醉学各方面的经验. 作为城市医院的所在地 在圣. 路易斯,研究员们会享受到多样化的病人群体和财富 有争议的案件. 我们项目的研究员一直超过所有ACGME的最低要求 例需求.

了解更多关于St. Louis

View of downtown St Louis with the arch centered over the old courthouse on a sunny day

St. Louis is a historic city with many cultural and recreational opportunities.



Fellows in our program experience a supportive collaborative environment with personal attention and instruction in both clinical and didactic training from 14 board-certified 麻醉医师. Fellows are given protected time for weekly teaching sessions during our morning didactics, attending multidisciplinary conferences, formal and informal ABA Oral Board 准备, and quality and/or presentation projects.

Clinical experience takes place at 红衣主教格伦农儿童医院 Hospital with a one-month rotation in each of the following: pediatric general surgery, ENT, orthopedic, neurosurgery, 眼科、放射科、整形外科/困难气道. 有两个整月 rotations in cardiac anesthesiology and a one-month rotation in the PICU. Fellows will also have rotations with our Acute Pain Service in collaboration with surgical 医疗服务. 研究员将有最少的内部电话和一些 索引案例调用.

Our program allows the fellow to assume graduated responsibilities and progressive autonomy as the academic year progresses, with opportunities to teach and supervise 初级培训生以及实习管理.


Individual block schedules can be devised to accommodate fellows' needs and preferences. 这确保了积极的教育和工作与生活的平衡. 


  • 第一周:迎新活动
  • 第2-4周:儿科/耳鼻喉科
  • 第五周:假期


  • 第1-5周:矫形


  • 第1-5周:疼痛


  • 第1-5周:重症监护室


  • 第1-3周心脏
  • 第4周:假期
  • 第五周:心脏


  • 第一周:困难
  • 第二周:气道
  • 第三周:牙科
  • Week 4 & 5:塑料


  • 第1-5周:神经科


  • 第一周:眼科
  • 第二周:假期
  • 第三周:眼科
  • 第4-5周:普通儿科


  • 第1-3周:选修课
  • 第4-5周:疼痛


  • 第1-2周:非现场
  • 第3-5周:GU


  • 第1-5周:心脏


  • 第1-2周:PACU
  • 第三周-耳鼻喉科
  • 第4周:OR
  • 第4周:冷.


Lectures take place every first and third Tuesday of each month from noon – 1 p.m.


研究员有三周(21天)的带薪假期. 研究员有充足的时间 in advance of the development of their rotations to allow the most flexibility for 安排假期. 研究员有自己的办公空间,可以安静地学习、反思 和放松.



Our pediatric anesthesiology fellowship position is filled through the 旧金山比赛. Supporting materials required include a current curriculum vitae, USMLE I, II, III scores, Basic exam scores and at least three letters of recommendation, including 项目主管或系主任的一封信. 


We have a robust anesthesiology didactic program, and fellows have the opportunity 介绍各种主题,定向阅读,M&M会议,期刊俱乐部, 和圆桌会议. 研究员还将进行正式和非正式的模拟口头讨论 准备. Fellows will be able to start research projects or will be included in 正在进行的研究项目,将有机会发表. 他们也会 鼓励参加全国性或地方性会议.


三个穿着手术服的医生, and surgical protective equipment attend to a patient in a medical facility.

The pediatric anesthesia program at Saint Louis University also provides care to children who have no access to healthcare in various parts of the globe, especially in the 加勒比和中美洲. 我们也为最复杂的病人提供麻醉护理 这些地区的患者. 如果有兴趣,研究员可以参加宣教旅行 这将是他们一生难忘的经历.

A doctor wearing scrubs, gloves and a surgical mask bends over a patient in an operating room

A representative of the 博彩网址大全 program attends to a patient on a mission trip.