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Process for Faculty Remediation

如果在学习过程中有不专业的行为或受到教师的虐待 environment, action steps will be taken as outlined below. If or when a situation 被专业监督和学习环境办公室认为是恶劣的 Committee, or Associate Deans, the process below could be accelerated. In situations 哪个教员的行为会给病人护理或整体学习带来风险 environment, this process may be accelerated.

Process and Confidentiality

当专业监督办公室(OPO)收到不专业的报告时 和/或受到教职员工的虐待,影响了学习环境 OPO主任将与报告方联系,要求提供补充资料, and outline the steps associated with investigating the report. Once this initial 调查结束后,公署署长会联络呈报方 并与教师进行沟通,与他们所关注的程度保持一致 below. 公署署长亦会及时跟进有关报告 party (typically 30 days or less).

虽然保密在整个过程中仍然是一个优先事项,但应当指出这一点 对于过程中的任何级别的关注或步骤,报告都可以转发为 医学院副院长(教务、 研究生医学教育和学生事务),人力资源副总裁, or the Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX. If reports are forwarded 将通知上述机构的报告方(如已查明). 如果认为适当,并遵循认证要求,报告和补救措施 所有级别的干预措施都可以与主管、项目主管和项目经理共享 clerkship directors.

Remediation Interventions

支持教师及其专业成长,提供补救资源和干预 已经确定了备选方案,可供任何级别的专业人员使用 issues. Options may include but are not limited to:

  • Formal letter of apology to the impacted individual
  • 与专业监督办公室一对一的指导(通常是三次访问)
  • 通过超高压行为健康方案进行有效沟通讲习班
  • Imprensia Leadership and Communication Coaching
  • Javelin Learning Solutions (online coaching for healthcare professionals)
  • Fit for duty evaluation and/or counseling
  • Missouri Physician Health Program
  • Saint Louis University Department of Human Resources
  • 暂停服务,有限责任,暂停支付,不再续签 contract and termination
Level 1 Concern

Isolated Incident (low risk/harm):

Defined as minimal risk to members of the learning environment. Examples include but 不限于:口头/书面沟通,未能参加规定的活动, unprofessional workplace attire and or behaviors.

专业监督厅(OPO)将举行非正式谈话(e).g., invitation to have a cup of coffee) with the faculty member. The Director of OPO will 进行简短的谈话,介绍所报告的问题及其影响 学习环境和提醒个人所包含的期望 博彩网址大全教师道德行为准则已签署并认可 by the faculty member.

Isolated Incident (heightened risk/imminent harm):

例子包括但不限于:威胁或直接影响的物理和/或 情感伤害,公开羞辱,因性别,种族,性而拒绝机会 orientation, requests to complete unfair and/or unrelated work tasks.

*任何与基于受保护分类的骚扰或歧视有关的问题 是否会按照预期转交给机构公平与包容办公室 by the University’s Policy on Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

The OPO will hold an informal conversation (e.g., invitation to have a cup of coffee) with the faculty member. Due to the increased concern, the Office of Faculty Affairs 和专业发展(OFAPD)将作为教师的资源提供 member. 专业监督主任将主持以教育为基础的对话 当老师指出报告的问题时,我们承诺 提供一个高质量的学习环境和过程,如果问题应该继续.

Level 2 Concern

Recurring Incident:

如果一名教员在两年内因先前记录的事件而被举报, this will be determined to be a recurrence. The OPO will notify the OFAPD and the 导师(主席/系主任/院长),当一个教员被报告有 repeatedly acted unprofessionally within the learning environment. Details related 报告的内容可能会与OFAPD和教师的主管共享. Because 如果事件再次发生,OPO将要求主管在场 与教师会面,回顾报告并进行后续跟进. OFAPD副院长将审查与报告相关的所有文件 and provide consultation to the faculty member. If warranted, the OPO (in conjunction )可向主管提出补救/改善建议.

如果关于专业和/或记录行为的问题持续存在,涉及 一名教员,OPO,与OFAPD一起,将与直接的学生一起工作 主管建立要求的绩效改进计划(PIP),包括零 tolerance language. The PIP will be signed by the faculty member, Chair and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. The direct supervisor would be responsible for approving 沟通并提供必要的通知给教员 performance improvement plan. (See example list of improvement plans above).

此外,一封正式的信件将被放在教员和主管的档案中 是否需要记录与专业和/或虐待有关的问题 in the faculty member’s annual review.

Level 3 Concern

No Changes:

如果问题持续存在,没有证据表明行为发生改变,该部门将根据 在主席的指导下,OFAPD和OPO将通知人力资源部门 and the Dean of the School of Medicine. Sanctions short of termination are contemplated under Section III.I.8 of The Faculty Manual and include, but are not limited to, loss of teaching privileges and limitation of professional services. Recommendations for 不续聘或终止聘任 tenure and/or appointment may be considered with Sections III.I.1, II.I.4, II.I.5, and II.I.6 of The Faculty Manual. In addition, a formal letter will be placed in the 教师档案和主管将被要求记录相关的问题 对专业和/或虐待教员的年度评审.
