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的 decision to go back to school and advance your education can positively impact 你的生活在很多方面. But if you’re hoping to get the most out of your higher education experience, it’s important to find a degree program that will adequately support your 作为一个成年学生的需求.

平衡大学课程 with the demands of work, family and other day-to-day responsibilities won’t be easy. That’s why you need to find an institution that’s equipped to partner with you in 你迈向个人和职业成功的旅程.

We’ve identified some of the top criteria to consider as you search for the best degrees 适合工作的成年人. Finding a school that checks these boxes can help you thrive in 你的学术之旅.

An instructor sits at a desk wearing headphones and smiling while talkig to a computer screen.

5 Things Adult Students Should Look For in a Degree Program

In researching different degree programs, working adult students can benefit from 寻找具备以下条件的机构:

1. 灵活的学习选择

的 best degrees 适合工作的成年人 include one very important element: accessibility. Those with busy work and family schedules simply don’t have the same level of freedom to visit a campus for classes — or even to join a synchronous class session (one with 一个固定的上课时间)通过视频.

Degree programs that offer courses fully online in an asynchronous format (with no 因为这个原因,固定时间是有益的. 的 专业进修学院 at Saint Louis University (博彩网址大全) offers a range of fully online certificate and degree programs that were specifically 为工作的成年人设计. 学生可以在任何时间完成他们的课程 时间,来自世界任何地方.

If you’re drawn to the idea of in-person classes but would still benefit from the convenience of online learning, you may also want to look for programs that offer a hybrid learning model, where you can take advantage of both class styles.

2. 加速调度

As a working adult, if you’re going back to school you probably have a very specific 心中的目标. As you research your options, you’ll find there are some degree programs 这可以帮助你比别人更快地实现目标.
Accelerated programs are designed to expedite the time you spend on your studies, 帮你更快拿到学位. 在博彩网址大全的专业研究学院 example, students take shorter, eight-week classes, rather than the traditional 16-week, 学期的课程. 的 school also offers multiple start dates, which allows students to begin working toward their degree or certificate at any time.

3. 负担得起学费

One thing that holds many working adults back from returning to school is the overwhelming 典型学位课程的费用. 即使获得学位的长期好处 will be worth it in the long run, it can still seem nearly impossible to fit tuition 在短期内纳入预算. 这就是为什么做研究是至关重要的 identify your most affordable options, which will give you the best return on your 投资.

的 programs within the 专业进修学院, for example, were specifically designed with the unique needs of working adults in mind — and that includes 可购性. Students at 博彩网址大全 can expect a high-quality education at a reduced rate, with additional discounts available for military service members, veterans and first responders.

4. 慷慨的转移政策

Whether you have previous college credits, you’ve accumulated applicable real-world experience in your intended field of study or both, the best schools 适合工作的成年人 会承认你已经学过的东西吗. 这通常可以缩短你的 path to graduation significantly, so be sure to analyze each school’s credit transfer 政策要密切考虑到这一点.

During the admissions process for the programs within the School for Professional Studies, the team at 博彩网址大全 will evaluate your transcripts and work experiences to help 你会得到尽可能多的荣誉.

In addition to accepting transfer credits, the institution allows students to demonstrate their mastery of introductory college-level material by taking an examination through one of the higher education industry’s widely adopted and respected exam services:

5. 持续的学生支持

Lastly, it’s important to choose a higher education institution that is going to offer you the kind of dedicated support you’ll need as a working adult. 你是否需要 assistance navigating the admissions process, you’re unsure of which courses to enroll in, or you need additional academic guidance, you’ll benefit from attending a school 他们会陪伴你走过人生的每一步.

For example, every student in the 专业进修学院 at 博彩网址大全 gets paired 与一个 学术的教练. 的se dedicated professionals are there to help you map out and achieve your academic goals, offering guidance and support from application to graduation. 作为一名博彩网址大全学生, you will always have a resource to reach out to when questions arise.


Going back to school at this stage in life will inevitably be a challenge, but choosing a school specifically made 适合工作的成年人 will provide you the flexibility and 支持你实现你的教育目标.

Saint Louis University’s 专业进修学院 has been offering adult students dynamic, skills-based programs with the flexibility they need for more than 60 years. 的se degree programs were designed with students like you in mind.

但你不必相信我们的话. 你可以了解为什么真正的学生是感恩的 他们在我们的文章中选择了博彩网址大全 “我为什么选择博彩网址大全: 4 Reasons 校友 Recommend Saint Louis University.”




