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Lecture capture is a generic term that commonly refers to the recording of lectures or other lessons/content, using a software like Panopto (博彩网址大全’s lecture capture tool). Lectures may be recorded during a live class session, or they may be recorded outside of class, from an instructor’s office or a recording space on campus. 它们可能涉及 recording the instructor’s movements or just their voice/audio and what’s on the computer 屏幕(e.g.,幻灯片).

In the case of live lecture recordings, instructors often turn the recorder on and 让它在整个课堂上运行. 如果讲座是在外面录制的 class, however, instructors have the opportunity to record smaller “chunks” of the lecture – which is consistent with the research on effective practice. 预录的 content may be used to replace in-class lecturing (as in the case of the so-called “flipped classroom”) or to supplement in-class instruction (as in the case of targeted concepts for students who may be having trouble understanding the in-class lecture or in order to ensure all students in a course have the same background knowledge).

讲座捕捉可以支持包容性教学. 许多学生受益于能够 to re-watch a lecture, particularly if they can turn on closed captions. 为学生 who are still learning English and students with disabilities, in particular, recorded 讲座内容可能特别有用. 与研究一致,记录一致 lectures, or mini-lectures, can be a powerful tool for learning, if chosen with intention. The tips below provide a starting point for those considering the use of lecture capture. 许多是改编自朱 & Bergom 2010. 单击下面展开文本.

录制现场课程的注意事项:讲座vs. 讨论类

As you consider whether to record what happens in a live class, keep in mind that “lectures” and “discussions” have different pedagogical 目的, therefore, may 如果它们被记录下来,就不会产生相同的结果.

如果你 teach a course that is predominantly lecture (even interactive lecture, with students asking questions, engaged in some give and take with you), lecture capture 对你来说可能是个不错的选择. 但是,如果你教的课程非常依赖 on student-to-student discussion and interaction, recording what happens during class could have a dampening effect on students' willingness to contribute openly and honestly. 这 is particularly true if you teach subjects that result in emotionally or personally 带电的讨论. In such situations, you might want to use Panopto only for those 类中涉及内容交付的部分.

While there are potentially some privacy considerations when recording student discussions, there are even more significant pedagogical ones, if the fact that the discussion is being recorded serves as an impediment to open, honest exchange of ideas. 教练 should use their best judgment about how best to engage students in lively discussion as a group, while also protecting the identities and ideas of individual students. 

看到 讲座捕捉常见问题 ,了解更多信息.

  1. Determine whether or not recording a live class is an appropriate choice for your 目的. 这 means identifying very clear goals for your lectures and class time and considering the ways in which you want students to use recorded content and how 你会利用课堂时间.
  2. Determine whether you have time to prepare recordings consistently throughout the 整个学期. 这 includes identifying any technology decisions you’ll need to make. 你会在现场录制吗? 在你的办公室? 你需要什么工具? 什么 在开始之前,你需要学会做什么吗?
  3. Attend to relevant copyright or privacy considerations you’ll need to make. 如果你 record lectures with copyright-protected material in them, this will have a bearing 关于你的录音是否可以公开发布. 如果你想记录学生 in class, you will want to consider having them sign a release form (see sample here) 如果他们的贡献将在本届任期结束后被分享. 
  4. Determine whether you’ll want to re-use lectures for later use in other courses. 这 will help you decide how much/what to record, as well as whether or not you need to 使用学生释放表格.
  5. Determine what format you want to make the files available in for students (streaming? 可下载?). 看到 博彩网址大全教师讲座捕捉常见问题解答 了解更多信息.
Best Practices for Using Lecture Capture: Once You Decide to Record a Lecture
  1. 花时间试验录音质量. 音质不好也会造成录音 无法使用. 
  2. Make recordings available as soon as possible after a lecture, as well as right before 考试. If possible, annotate the recording to add emphasis and focus.
  3. 如果你 require students to listen to recordings before class time, provide them with content-related questions or other learning activities (such as applied problem solving, 等.). 分配任务是非常有效的.g.,活动依据记录 lectures) to be handed in during class, which will count in students' grades. 也 consider breaking up the content into smaller “chunks,” as students are more likely 参与录音.
  4. 如果你 require students to listen to recordings before class, use the class time for problem solving, interactive activities, other student-centered processes. Do 不要简单地重复讲课录音的内容.
  5. Provide detailed instructions for accessing and playing lectures at the beginning of the course, make recordings accessible during the class, so students can make 笔记.
  6. Evaluate the use and effectiveness of lecture capture during and/or at the end of 你的课程.