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教师 affiliated with the Saint Louis University Institute for Healing Justice and Equity are engaged in a variety of research projects, some of which are listed below.

“种族主义是一场公共卫生危机. 以下是如何回应."

The 治愈正义与公平研究所, in collaboration with The Justice Collaboration Institute, published its report addressing racism as a public 健康 crisis and the 应对这场危机应采取的步骤.

Racial disparities in 健康 and well-being are well documented. 在过去,大多数 governments attributed racial 健康 disparities only to specific instances
of racism, such as redlining or residential segregation. 但COVID-19大流行 and recent police violence have laid bare a system of racism that drives inequality in all aspects of American life, including education, employment, 健康care, housing, 以及执法部门.

Declaring racism as a public 健康 crisis is an important first step. 这样做承认 that racism exists and that government has a duty to dismantle the system of racism, instead of leaving the burden on individual victims of racism to file lawsuits. 然而, 一个声明,没有更多,是不够的.

了解更多关于“种族主义是一场公共卫生危机. 以下是如何回应."

"Are Cities and Counties Ready to Use Racial Equity Tools to Influence 政策"

The whole team is involved in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant entitled, “Are Cities and Counties Ready to Use Racial Equity Tools to Influence 政策?”

Amid a growing national conversation on equity and social justice, city and county governments are using tools to identify racial and ethnic disparities in their communities. These insights can then inform the development and implementation of laws and policies designed to minimize disparities and maximize positive impacts on racial and ethnic 少数民族.

Nearly 200 city and county governments have adopted tools developed by GARE/Race Forward, Living Cities, 政策Link and PERE, but no one has yet cataloged whether the adoption of these tools has resulted in changes to laws and policies related to employment, housing, access to 健康 care and childhood education — key social determinants of 健康.

Learn More 关于: "Are Cities and Counties Ready to Use Racial Equity Tools to Influence 政策?"



Working closely with the tool developers, the research team will identify characteristics of cities and counties that have adopted racial equity tools, as well as their stages 准备好应对法律和政策的变化. 该小组将评估股权的类型 tool(s) being used, tool source, duration of tool use, community engagement, focus of law and policy changes, advocacy strategies for law and policy change. 在 second phase of the project, the team will conduct four in-depth case studies on a selected city or county’s stage of readiness to change, adoption process of racial equity tools, influence of racial equity tool adoption on law and policy changes.

The data collected will be used to develop a comprehensive map and database that describes the city/county, the type(s) of racial equity tool(s) adopted, the stages of readiness 参与法律和政策的改变. 它还将用于开发收养地图 to delineate where governmental adoption of racial equity tools influenced developments and modifications in laws and policies related to at least one social determinant 健康的.


司法舰队 is a mobile social justice museum fostering healing through art, dialogue and play.


Housed inside of a box truck, each mobile exhibit ventures into various neighborhoods to engage community members in discussions about implicit and explicit bias, social 正义和同理心.


The first exhibit engages community members in a dialogue and art activity about Radical Forgiveness — the profound notion that we don’t have to live with fear, pain, hostility or injustice because we have control over the way we perceive, understand and act. 激进的宽恕 is a fluid and deliberate process that allows us to heal the wounds 从不公.


The second exhibit, 激进的想象力, asks participants to play in an effort to remember how to imagine beyond constraints in an effort to develop ideas for more 只是社区生活.


The third exhibit, Transfuturism, is a photography, oral history, Afrofuturistic 艺术行动主义项目和展览. 首先,跨性别者的叙事和生活经历 and gender fluid people of color are photographed and recorded. 他们的照片 and words are sent to a trans artist in residence named Wriply Bennet who transforms 他们变成了超级英雄. Their super hero image is then painted on a large canvas dwelling in an environmental home that captures the essence of their interview. 这个展览 will showcase the photographs, interview quotes, super hero sketches, paintings in addition to an activity that asks participants to think about and create their 性别银河经提供美术用品.


The fourth and fifth exhibits will be a Mobile Grief Garden, where people can grieve together, in a safe space, after public tragedies, Black Girl Magic, a play space 致力于帮助黑人女孩.

欲了解更多信息,或预订车队,请访问 www.thejusticefleet.com.