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Curriculum design is a complex process that involves tasks related to design, implementation, assessment, evaluation and optimization of study academic programs. 一个重要的 课程开发的组成部分是课程映射. 课程映射包括 aligning instruction with desired goals and outcomes to ensure the connections are 轻松可视化. 



Near-peer teaching can be used to foster learning at multiple levels, including to develop professional skills and enhance content understanding for near-peer teachers and to create a safe and supportive environment for junior learners. 有很多 采用近同伴教学时的考虑因素. 让学习者参与领导; supporting near-peer teachers in their work and promoting a learner centered approach 能帮助一个成功的近同伴教学计划吗.



Bias in assessment can negatively affect trainees in a variety of ways. 公平公正 assessment is essential to ensure competency, provide equal opportunities, encourage respect for all learners regardless of their individual characteristics. 这篇文章 details five common types of bias related to the assessment of trainees and strategies 教育工作者可以用它来减轻他们. 



造型的反馈 in medical education involves observing the trainee’s performance within a certain domain and comparing it against an expected standard. 造型的反馈 should be clear, specific, timely, actionable, based on observed activity or behaviors. In undergraduate medical education, the 13 American Association of Medical Colleges core entrustable professional activities (Core EPAs) are one example of a structure for designing medical education curricula, providing formative feedback, creating 对学员的期望. 造型的反馈 allows educators to reinforce the importance of applying textbook knowledge and incorporating continued learning to improve patient 护理和健康结果. 



Imagine the following: You teach anatomy and your learners are rapidly approaching 他们的第一次考试. One of your learners waits until the last few days before the exam 开始学习. Once she starts, she only spends an hour or two each day reviewing, and primarily reviews from the PowerPoint slides rather than going into the laboratory. When she visits the laboratory, she brings a list of structures to identify and checks them off one by one as she studies a dissection prepared by teaching assistants. On the day of the exam, she receives a poor exam grade because she was unable to remember the names of specific structures, or their relationship to one another. 当她收到 her grade, she is surprised because she used the same strategies that have always 在其他课程上为她工作. 出了什么问题??



In 2009, researchers compared maternal complications of delivery and stratified the complication rates into quintiles of residency programs based on where the delivering 产科医生完成了培训. 在与最高的五分位数比较时 complication rate to the quintile with the lowest complication rate, there was a 3.3% 产妇并发症的绝对风险降低. 重要的是你的产科医生在哪里 完成实习期.



Educators may now be familiar with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical 教育’s (ACGME) recognition of competency-based medical education through their 为住院医师和研究员介绍里程碑.

However, members of clinical competency committees and other stakeholders responsible for developing curriculum in graduate medical education may wonder how to design learning experiences that are indeed competency-based, especially those who may not have had 课程设计方面的正式培训. Carraccio和他的同事开发了一个四步法 process for operationalizing competency-based medical education that ACGME referenced 在他们的里程碑指南中. 


宣布成立雪松社区博客 Inaugural 编辑评审委员会

We are pleased to announce the inaugural members of our Saint Louis University School of Medicine Center for Educator Development, Advancement, 研究 (雪松) community 博客编辑评审委员会!  



Welcome to the Saint Louis University 医学院 Center for Educator Development, 进步和研究社区博客.



Our peer-reviewed 雪松 community blog will feature evidence-based posts championing scholarly teaching and learning practices, authored by 博彩网址大全 医学院 faculty, 职员及学员. The 雪松 community blog will occasionally feature outside invited 作者. This work will foster ongoing connectedness and showcase the expertise of 我们的医学和生物医学教育团体.  

教师, 职员及学员 interested in contributing to our 雪松 community blog will receive a blog post template with instructions for preparing the post. 协作 欢迎作者团队. 提交后,将由我们的 编辑评审委员会. All posts must successfully complete the peer review and revision 出版前的程序. 在同行评审之前,不能保证发表 修改完成了.  

主编:Kristina Dzara博士.D.

编辑评审委员会:我们的 编辑评审委员会 comprises five members holding education roles at the Saint Louis University School 医学和SSM健康.


For 作者hip inquiries, contact editor-in-chief Kristina Dzara, Ph.D.通过 电子邮件.