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The following Saint Louis University College of 艺术与科学 procedures are available only for review of alleged capricious grading, not for review of the judgment of an instructor in assessing the quality of a student's work. 学生可以上诉 a grade only for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. 品位计算错误.
  2. The assignment of a grade to a particular student on some basis other than performance 在课程中.
  3. The assignment of a grade to a particular student by more exacting or demanding standards than were applied to other students in that section.
  4. The grade assigned results from different standards than the criteria for performance and evaluation outlined 在课程中 syllabus.

The Right of Fair and Equal Evaluation of Students

The assessment of the quality of a student's academic performance is one of the major professional responsibilities of University faculty members and is solely and properly 他们的责任. It is essential for the standards of the academic program at Saint Louis University and the integrity of the degrees conferred by this University that the professional judgments of faculty members not be subject to pressures or 其他任何来源的干扰.

It is necessary, however, that any semester grade be based on evidence of the student's performance in a course, that the student has access to the evidence,  that the instructor be willing to explain the basis upon which the grade was determined, that a grade be determined in accordance with announced guidelines.


Students must initiate a grade appeal within 90 days of the date that the course grade 发布了.

The grade appeal process must be resolved within one calendar year of the initiation 上诉.

  1. The student shall confer with the instructor (in person or in writing),  informing the instructor of questions concerning the grade and seeking to understand fully the grounds and procedures the instructor has used in determining the grade. 的目的 such a conference is to reach mutual understanding about the grade, the process by which it was assigned, to correct errors, if any, in the grade.
  2. If, after consultation with the instructor, the student believes that a grade is capricious, the student will confer with the Chair of the Department in which the course was offered. The Chair will consult with the instructor and the student separately or together in an attempt to reach a resolution of the matter.
  3. If the matter remains unresolved, the student will submit a written appeal request with supporting evidence (if relevant) to the Chair. The Chair will convene an intra-departmental grade appeal committee consisting of the Chair and two faculty members. 学生的 written appeal request will be considered and the instructor will also respond to 学生的书面请愿书. The grade appeal committee will interview both the instructor and the student; and subsequently, the committee will recommend either that the grade was not assigned capriciously and shall stand or that the grade may have been assigned capriciously and the matter merits further consideration. 建议 of the departmental grade appeal committee will be communicated to the student, the instructor, the Dean by the Departmental Chair.
  4. If the matter has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the student and the instructor, either may petition the Dean to convene an ad hoc grade appeal 小组委员会 to consist of two faculty members of the College of Arts and  Sciences from outside of the instructor's department and the Dean or his/her representative.
  5. This 小组委员会 shall recommend to the Dean either that the grade should stand, or that it should be changed; and shall notify both the student and the instructor 它的建议. The Dean shall then render a decision and notify all parties 他或她的行为*.

* a written record should be kept at all stages 上诉s process


The decision of a grade appeal 小组委员会 will neither be used as a cause for any disciplinary action nor dismissal of a tenured faculty member or a non-tenured faculty member before the expiration of a contract period. 一项决定本身也不能 作为任何其他纪律处分的依据. 任何纪律处分均在 accordance with regular University procedures. 所有的证据被认为是一个等级 appeal 小组委员会 shall be made available to anybody who may be considering disciplinary action concerning an instructor whose grading has been found by a grade appeal 小组委员会 任性. That body shall make an independent determination based upon its own consideration of all evidence, irrespective of the findings of the grade appeal 小组委员会.
